Is there a way to save Nyreen me3?

Is there a way to save Nyreen me3?

No. She did what she always did, what was important to her and what was mentioned several times throughout the DLC: She saved civilians. She was surrounded by many enemies and for her it was the only choice in that moment to save the civilians around her.

Should I side with Aria Nyreen?

1)side with Aria = both survive but Nyreen now agrees to do it Aria’s way, ruthless Omega. 2)side with Nyreen = both survive but Aria now becomes a little tiny bit more compassionate about Omega people.

Is Tiran Kandros related to Nyreen?

Nyreen is the first female turian to appear in a Mass Effect game. Nyreen is voiced by Sumalee Montano. Nyreen is mentioned to be the cousin of Tiran Kandros.

Should I save General Petrovsky?

Shepard can decide to spare the General, handing him over to the Alliance, or leave Petrovsky to Aria who kills him on the spot, delivering a slow, painful death as revenge for taking Omega. If Petrovsky is spared, he contributes to the war effort.

When should I start the Omega DLC?

Once Shepard completes her smaller side missions, Aria will reach out to them via email. At this point, players will be able to start the DLC whenever it fits in their story. Once they start the mission, they will need to see it all the way through before they can return to the main campaign.

Why are Turians called birds?

Turian features are avian, making them resemble humanoid birds or raptors. However, unlike most Earth avian creatures, turians are viviparous and give birth to live young. In 2165, David Anderson claimed that turians reminded him of the evolutionary link between birds and dinosaurs.

Can humans and Turians mate?

No, it’s not. Mostly that’s just used for some sex humor. Turians and quarians, versus humans and most of the other species in Mass Effect, have opposing protein chirality, something TV Tropes refers to as Mirror Chemistry. Turians and quarians have dextro chirality, humans have levo.

Should I save Petrovsky?

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