Is reading Notes from Underground hard?

Is reading Notes from Underground hard?

Notes from Underground is perhaps Dostoevsky’s most difficult work to read, but it also functions as an introduction to his greater novels later in his career.

How long is Notes from the Underground?

A Short One by a Usually Wordy Author On Nook, it is only 133 pages.

What does conscious inertia mean?

The “fruit“ of his acute consciousness causes “inertia,” a deliberate refusal to do anything, which he believes is more intelligent than uninformed activity.

What is the message of Notes from the Underground?

In his short 1864 book, Notes From Underground, Fyodor Dostoyevsky tells the story of a man who is “too conscious.” The man, whose name we never learn is so aware of his own thoughts and feelings as to cause him to be indecisive and overly self-critical.

What would Nietzsche think of the Underground Man?

reading, which focused on the impossibility of knowing oneself, Nietzsche could think of the Underground Man without recourse to Chernyshevsky’s idea of freedom, determinism and progress.

How many tunnels are in the White Cliffs of Dover?

Deep inside the chalk rocks that make up the White Cliffs of Dover are three miles of underground tunnels that have played their own – more mysterious – part in defending the country. As part of my road trip through White Cliffs Country I took a look around the castle’s medieval Great Tower and Anglo-Saxon church.

What are the secret tunnels of Dover Castle?

On the surface Dover Castle is England’s largest castle, defending the Kent coastline from invaders since 1066. But below ground it has another hidden side. Deep inside the chalk rocks that make up the White Cliffs of Dover are three miles of underground tunnels that have played their own – more mysterious – part in defending the country.

What is the conclusion of notes from Underground Man?

The Underground Man concludes that for the man of conscious intelligence, the best thing to do is to do nothing. His justification for writing these Notes from Underground is that every man has some memory which he wishes to purge from his being, and the Underground Man is going to tell his most oppressing memory.

What was it like to work in the tunnels of Dover?

The tunnels were cramped, dark and hot, and the pressure was intense. Staff worked 24- or 36-hour shifts for ten days straight, barely seeing daylight as they worked, ate and slept underground. But the result was what Churchill called a ‘miracle of deliverance’. As well as Casemate there are four other Dover Castle tunnels.

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