Is it pretty good or pretty well?

Is it pretty good or pretty well?

The difference is that good is an adjective while well is an adverb. The party was pretty good last night. “Did you enjoy the film?” – “Yes, it was pretty good.”

What is mean by pretty good?

3. It basically just means “mostly good” or “fairly good” or “somewhat good.” It definitely isn’t “more than good,” though.

How do you use pretty good in a sentence?

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Pretty Good | Pretty Good Sentence

  1. Pretty good for his first term.
  2. We have a pretty good chance.
  3. But that was a pretty good coat.
  4. Water and a pretty good sink.
  5. My health was pretty good then.
  6. But we have a pretty good idea.
  7. Roth is a pretty good boss.
  8. Are your nerves pretty good?

How do you say pretty good?

pretty good

  1. adequate.
  2. decent.
  3. reasonable.
  4. satisfactory.
  5. average.
  6. common.
  7. commonplace.
  8. intermediate.

Is pretty good a compliment?

You probably use PRETTY (pronounced “PRIH-di”) as an adjective to describe something or someone pleasing to look at; to be elegant or lovely. “Pretty” + nouns (i.e., woman, home, view, etc.) is generally a compliment, a good thing.

When can I use pretty?

We can use pretty as an adverb, before an adjective or another adverb, meaning ‘quite, but not extremely’. It is informal: I’m pretty sure we’ve met before.

Is pretty great a compliment?

It isn’t wrong, but it is very informal. Yes it is correct.

What can I say instead of pretty good?

What is another word for pretty good?

acceptable satisfactory
adequate fair
decent reasonable
passable sufficient
suitable tolerable

Is pretty a good compliment?

How do you tell a girl she’s pretty?

  1. Find Something Unique About Her. Identify something unique about the girl you want to compliment, and let that be how you say she is beautiful.
  2. Identify Beautiful Traits.
  3. Focus on Actions.
  4. Take Yourself Out of It.
  5. Aim to Help Her Feel Valued.

How do you say pretty formally?

pretty much

  1. about,
  2. all but,
  3. almost,
  4. borderline,
  5. fair.
  6. [chiefly British],
  7. fairly,
  8. feckly.

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