Is it La Bolsa or El Bolso?

Is it La Bolsa or El Bolso?

1 Answer. El bolso can be a handbag, a big purse, a tote bag, usually sported by women. La bolsa can be a shopping bag, a trash bag, but it can also be used for the same meanings as bolso. However, they are not interchangeable when bolsa is being used as a trash bag or shopping bag.

What is an Cartera in English?

wallet, purse, bag.

How do you spell boligrafo?

bolígrafo → ballpoint pen, pen.

What is a Maletas Spanish?

suitcase, bag, bags.

How do you say wallet in Spanish duolingo?

In most Spanish-speaking countries, “cartera” = “wallet.”

What language is Caro?

caro (Spanish → English) – DeepL Translate.

Is it LA or El boligrafo?

indefinite, masculine vs. Whether you use the masculine or feminine article depends on the gender of the following noun: abeja (bee) is a feminine noun, so ‘the bee’ is ‘la abeja’. Bolígrafo (pen) is a masculine noun, so ‘the pen’ is ‘el bolígrafo’.

Is it un bolígrafo or una bolígrafo?

It doesn’t matter who has the pen it’s still masculine (m) therefore you would say, “Yo tengo el boligrafo.”

Is cuadernos El or LA?

Answer and Explanation: ‘ It’s a masculine noun, so we say el cuaderno (the notebook) or un cuaderno (a…

What is La Maleta plural?

plural of maleta. maletas [f/pl]

What does Bolso mean in Spanish?

bolso. 1 [de mano] bag; handbag; purse; (EEUU) bolso de aseo toilet bag. bolso de bandolera shoulder bag. bolso de viaje travelling bag; traveling bag; (EEUU) 2 (monedero) purse; moneybag; pocketbook. 3 (Náutica) hacer bolso

What does La Bolsa Tambien mean?

I thought it was el bolso too. el bolso = pocketbook, handbag. la bolsa = 1) bag, sack; 2) Mexico: pocketbook, purse; and 3) Mexico: pocket. I hope this helps. La bolsa tambien is the stock market.

What is the difference between’El Bolso’and’La Bolsa’?

el bolso = pocketbook, handbag. la bolsa = 1) bag, sack; 2) Mexico: pocketbook, purse; and 3) Mexico: pocket. I hope this helps. La bolsa tambien is the stock market. That is correct.

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