Is it Enquiring mind or inquiring mind?

Is it Enquiring mind or inquiring mind?

In American English there isn’t an argument on this one – it’s always an inquiring mind but in British English the jury is still out and it seems that either spelling goes.

Why is it important to have an inquiring mind?

It helps if you are curious about stuff, if you want to know why or what or how or when or who about something. It also helps if you want to find out stuff or learn stuff. Research also requires good planning and organizational skills, but, after a few mishaps, most people learn these skills as they go along.

What do you mean by inquiring?

1 : to put a question : seek for information by questioning inquired about the horses. 2 : to make investigation or inquiry —often used with into. transitive verb. 1 : to ask about some kindred spirit shall inquire thy fate— Thomas Gray. 2 : to search into : investigate.

How do you develop an inquiring mind?

To have an inquiring mindset, we first need to develop the habit of asking questions. And to begin doing so, we have to ask ourselves what our underlying assumptions and beliefs are in asking questions.

Who used to say Inquiring minds want to know?

The well known ad slogan for The National Enquirer supermarket tabloid – “Enquiring minds want to know” – passed that point long ago. The Enquirer trademarked the slogan in 1981. According to the information filed in the U.S. trademark database, it was first used by the gossipy tabloid on October 20, 1981.

Who first said Inquiring minds want to know?

In Reply to: Inquiring minds need to know posted by Laura Henry on June 26, 2008 at 13:10: : What is the origin of the phrase “inquiring minds need to know”? “Enquiring minds want to know” was an advertising slogan used in the ’80s by the National Enquirer, a supermarket tabloid.

What is an inquiring mind Quora?

Having an inquiring mind is of course a good thing — you broaden your knowledge. Asking questions is also good — provided you do your homework and look up the answers available elsewhere on the internet first rather than make people on Quora take their time to give you the answers.

What happens when your curious?

It makes your mind observant of new ideas When you are curious about something, your mind expects and anticipates new ideas related to the subject. When the ideas come you will recognize them. It brings excitement into your life The lives of curious people are far from boring. They are neither dull nor routine.

How do you use the word inquiring?

Inquiring sentence example

  1. He cleared his throat and met her inquiring gaze.
  2. The three sat, Sarah inquiring about their day.
  3. Come on, inquiring minds want to know.
  4. Gerasim gazed at the officer with an alarmed and inquiring look.

Is inquiry a polite word?

Their noun forms—inquiry and enquiry—also have the same meanings: a question, an investigation, a request for information, or the process of seeking information. Both inquire and enquire are somewhat formal. Some speakers of British English may use both words, preferring inquire in contexts that are more formal.

Where did the term Inquiring minds want to know come from?

: What is the origin of the phrase “inquiring minds need to know”? “Enquiring minds want to know” was an advertising slogan used in the ’80s by the National Enquirer, a supermarket tabloid.

Who said curious minds want to know?

It was the ad slogan for the tabloid “the National Enquirer” in television commercials in the 1980s. “Inquiring minds want to know” originally came from E. F. Hutton (Stock Brokers) commercials on TV. Probably as early as the late 70’s.

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