Is homeopathy good for child?

Is homeopathy good for child?

Homeopathic remedies are safe for babies and children to take, are not ‘drugs’, and can be used alongside conventional medication (complementary) or as an alternative option. Babies often respond very quickly to homeopathic treatment and these are easy to administer as drops.

Which homeopathic medicine is best for skin disease?

Thuja occidentalis the homeopathic medicine which is very effective in getting rid of acne, dark spots, freckles, dry skin, scaly patches and warts. Cantharis is used for treating burns blisters, sun burns, eruptions on the skin and insect bites.

Which homeopathic medicine is best for nervous system?

Gelsemium is the best homeopathic medicine for motor paralysis which acts quickly on the nervous system when there is trembling, dizziness, drowsiness etc.

Can filariasis be cured?

Is there a cure for lymphatic filariasis? There’s no vaccine or cure for filariasis. Medication can kill many of the worms and keep you from spreading the infection to someone else. Treatment can also reduce filariasis symptoms.

What is belladonna 30 used for?

SBL Belladonna Dilution is a homoeopathic remedy which has a potent effect on the nervous system and can be used to treat convulsion and relieve pain in various parts of the body. It has a marked effect on the respiratory system and is helpful in the treatment of spasmodic cough and bronchitis.

What is graphites 200 used for?

Information about SBL Graphites Dilution 200 CH It is a given to treat redness of the face, helps reduce the redness, skin disorders, particularly weeping eczema, Dry, cracked skin, psoriasis, Unhealthy skin. It is a good medication for treating digestion related problems like constipation, bloating, and flatulence.

Can homeopathy cure skin diseases?

The treatment of chronic skin diseases with homeopathic remedies appears to be more safe and satisfactory to the patient when compared with conventional medication, with improvement in quality of life and general health up to 2 years after start of the treatment.

What is Ruta 30c used for?

SBL Ruta Graveolens Dilution is an effective remedy for the treatment of arthritis and rheumatic pains. It relieves pain in the muscle joints, tendons, heals bruises and facilitates quick recovery from an injury or a fracture. It also provides quick relief from soreness in the ankles and lower back.

What is alfalfa tonic used for?

What Is Alfalfa and How Does It Work? Alfalfa is an herbal supplement which can be used as treatment for asthma, arthritis, diabetes, excessive production of urine (diuresis), high cholesterol, indigestion, and excessive bruising or bleeding (thrombocytopenic purpura).

What is the natural cure for filaria?

Natural remedies like Scarlet Leadwort and Ajwain were providing clues for developing drugs with the capacity to kill adult filarial worms, said Nisha Mathew, a scientist of the Vector Control Research Centre (VCRC), Pondicherry (Puducherry), which is an institute of the Indian Council of Medical Research, on Thursday.

Can homeopathy cure elephantiasis?

Once Elephantiasis takes place, that is, in the cases with large swelling of limps, legs, hands, genitals, etc. homeopathic medicines do not or cannot cure the swollen body parts. Homeopathy is suggested only for controlling the infection of Filariasis.

How to treat autism spectrum disorder with homeopathy?

Homeopathy have the most promising treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Children up to 6 years start improving within first 120 days of homeopathic medication. After completion of 120 days of medicine, child shows improvement every 45 to 60 days. Total treatment time depends upon severity of illness or age of child.

What are the case studies of elephantiasis?

Elephantiasis Case Studies. Case-1: Chronic and relapsing case of Elephantiasis responded wonderfully with homeopathy in an elderly person. One of our patients referred an 80 years old patient for the treatment of Elephantiasis. He had this disease since his childhood.

How can elephantiasis be prevented?

Controlling the spread and breeding of larvae bearing mosquitoes is the most effective way of preventing elephantiasis. Anyone visiting or living in a danger area, usually in the tropics, should take all the normal precautions, sleeping under mosquito nets and using insect repellent.

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