Is FXAA better than SMAA?

Is FXAA better than SMAA?

SMAA is a higher quality anti-aliasing effect than FXAA but it’s also slower. Depending on the art-style of your game it can work as well as Temporal Anti-aliasing while avoiding some of the shortcomings of this technique.

Which is better temporal AA or FXAA?

TAA compared to FXAA TAA and FXAA both sample each pixel only once per frame, but FXAA does not take into account pixels sampled in past frames, so FXAA is simpler and faster but can not achieve the same image quality as TAA or MSAA.

What is FXAA?

FXAA smooths edges in all pixels on the screen, including those inside alpha-blended textures and those resulting from pixel shader effects, which were previously immune to the effects of MSAA without oddball workarounds.

Should I turn off FXAA?

The nvidia control panel FXAA will override the in game FXAA, it shouldn’t matter which you choose they should do the same thing. I would just use the in game FXAA and leave nvdia control panel FXAA off. FXAA certainly is not going to get rid of all aliasing, especially with a 900p monitor.

Is SMAA good for performance?

SMAA is generally the go-to, since it’s the only viable AA method deferred engines can do without a massive performance hit and it isn’t smeared like TAA is. SMAA is generally the go-to, since it’s the only viable AA method deferred engines can do without a massive performance hit and it isn’t smeared like TAA is.

Is TAA or SMAA better?

Temporal AA is slightly blurrier (when using the TAA + SMAA method), than just SMAA alone, but it’s results in motion are far superior. I’s coverage almost eliminates all pixel crawl in the scene. TAA is the preferred AA method amongst most Dev studios right now.

What does SMAA stand for?


Acronym Definition
SMAA South Mississippi Art Association (est. 1964; Hattiesburg, MS)
SMAA Schucker Martial Arts Association (Florissant, MO)
SMAA Submarine Movement Advisory Authority
SMAA Serial Modem Adaptive Array


MLAA(Morphological Anti-Aliasing) for example is very much CPU intensive, on the other hand MSAA(Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing) is very much GPU bound.)

What does FXAA do in Skyrim?

Do I need FXAA?

It depends on your GPU, your preference, and what kind of performance you’re after. If framerate is an issue, however, the choice is usually obvious: FXAA is very efficient. If you’ve got an RTX card, and the game you’re playing supports it, give DLSS a try—you paid for it, and it’s top of the line.

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