Is Facebook blocked in UAE?

Is Facebook blocked in UAE?

New internet restrictions on social networking will include Dubai’s Media Free Zone, says telecom authority. Sections of popular social networking websites Facebook and Myspace will be banned in the UAE under new rules from the nation’s telecom regulator, Emirates Business 24-7 reported on Thursday.

What social media is allowed in Dubai?

New media, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram are used widely in the UAE by the government entities and by the public as well. H. H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai actively uses social media to communicate with the people.

Is social media monitored in UAE?

Significance. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is among the most connected countries in the Middle East, with one of the highest rates of social media penetration. The government engages in extensive monitoring, surveillance and censorship of social media and apps.

What things are banned in Dubai?


  • Narcotic drugs (all kinds, including poppy seeds, cocaine, hashish, heroin, hallucination pills, etc.)
  • Goods from boycotted countries that could be brought with an intention to sell.
  • Gambling machinery and tools.
  • Inlaid, used and reconditioned tires.
  • Rhinoceros horns or crude ivory.
  • Live swine.

Is FB Messenger allowed in Dubai?

If you already have Facebook Messenger installed on a mobile device, the app won’t work inside the UAE. Specifically, the UAE’s Telecom Regulatory Authority holds the position that only licensed operators – government-owned or government-backed companies like Etisalat – can offer VoIP calls inside the country.

What happen to Facebook in UAE?

A total of 443 Facebook accounts, 200 pages and 76 groups, as well as 125 Instagram accounts, were removed, the social media platform said on Thursday. …

Is Instagram allowed in Dubai?

While 53% of UAE’s population is on Instagram, the platform’s newest feature – video calling – is not available to locals. This restriction, along with UAE’s strict internet filtering carried out by the government, makes it nearly impossible for users to enjoy the full array of features this platform has to offer.

Is WhatsApp banned in Dubai?

The UAE, home to the oil-rich capital of Abu Dhabi and the freewheeling financial hub of Dubai, long has blocked internet calling apps like WhatsApp and FaceTime, presumably due to security concerns and to protect the revenues of its monopoly state-run telecommunication companies.

Is Whatsapp monitored UAE?

UAE Internet service providers can retrieve the data of Whatsapp and can monitor the conversations and forward to the concerned govt. authorities of the UAE if required. It is advised to be careful not to start any conversation which may break the local govt.

What are the cyber crimes in UAE?

Under the UAE’s new cybercrime law, publishing and sharing fake news online, posting misleading ads and creating fake accounts are crimes.

Are tattoos illegal in Dubai?

While getting a tattoo is not legally penalised in the UAE, it is forbidden in Islam by virtue of a Fatwa issued by the Official Fatwa Centre at the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments, and considered a form of self-injury.

Is cursing illegal in Dubai?

Swearing in public is completely prohibited in the UAE, with the use of the F-word being a crime, as it “disgraces the honor or the modesty” of a person, according to Article 373 of the UAE Penal Code. Swearing is punishable by up to a year in prison and a fine as high as 10,000 dirhams.

Are there any laws binding on tourists in Dubai?

The liberalism of the UAE and of Dubai, and the qualities of Emiratis notwithstanding, Dubai has laws or do’s and don’ts binding on tourists and these must be taken seriously. These laws bind on tourists, whatever their country.

Is it illegal to use social media in the UAE?

It is illegal in the UAE to “invade the privacy of another person” using computer networks or social media. This can lead to a a minimum six-month jail sentence and a fine of between 100,000 and 500,000 dirhams (between £21,563 and £107,816).

Can you be arrested for sharing a charity post in Dubai?

Laws in the United Arab Emirates have again been thrust into the spotlight after a British citizen in Dubai was arrested for sharing a charity post on his Facebook page.

Is there a dress code in Dubai?

This will include dress code in Dubai or simply what to wear in Dubai, Dubai driving rules for visitors and punishments of violations and much more. It is widely acknowledged that United Arab Emirates which houses Dubai is one of the most liberal Islam nation; and that Emiratis are friendly, tolerant and generally open-minded to visitors.

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