In what ways is the ABO blood type an example of codominance and also a multiple allele trait quizlet?

In what ways is the ABO blood type an example of codominance and also a multiple allele trait quizlet?

The ABO blood groups are an example of multiple alleles of a single gene because this gene exists in three allelic forms: A, B, O. Type O will only be expressed in the homozygous form; when combined with A or B alleles it will not be expressed.

Is ABO blood group system an example of multiple alleles or codominance?

An example of multiple alleles is the ABO blood-type system in humans. In this case, the IA and IB alleles are codominant with each other and are both dominant over the i allele. Although there are three alleles present in a population, each individual only gets two of the alleles from their parents.

Is ABO blood group an example of multiple alleles?

The ABO Blood Group Is an Example of Multiple Alleles Every person has two number 9 chromosomes and, therefore, two alleles for ABO blood types. However, there are three possible alleles—IA, IB, and i (Type O)—that can occur on each number 9 chromosome. Thus, people will have two of these three possible alleles.

What is an example of codominance and multiple alleles?

An example of codominance for a gene with multiple alleles is seen in the human ABO blood group system. Persons with type AB blood have one allele for A and one for B; the O allele is recessive (its expression is masked by the other alleles).

How are ABO blood groups an example of codominance?

Codominance means that neither allele can mask the expression of the other allele. An example in humans would be the ABO blood group, where alleles A and alleles B are both expressed. So if an individual inherits allele A from their mother and allele B from their father, they have blood type AB.

What are the examples of codominance?

Spotted cows and flowers with petals of two different colors are examples of codominance, for example. Codominance also occurs in some less visible traits, such as blood type. The A and B alleles for blood type can both be expressed at the same time, resulting in type AB blood.

Why is the ABO blood group an example of codominance?

What is the ABO blood groups in humans is an example of?

ABO blood group system in human beings is an example of dominance, co-dominance and multiple alleles. Blood group A and B show dominance, co-dominance is shown by blood group AB. In AB blood group, alleles for blood group A(IA) and blood group B(IB) are codominant, so characterised by both antigens.

What are multiple alleles describe multiple alleles with the help of ABO blood groups?

The major example of multiple allelism is ABO blood grouping in humans. Complete answer: Multiple alleles refer to the occurrence of three or more than three alleles for a particular gene. Alleles are different or contrasting forms of a gene.

Who has explained the ABO blood group?

Felix Bernstein demonstrated the correct blood group inheritance pattern of multiple alleles at one locus in 1924. Watkins and Morgan, in England, discovered that the ABO epitopes were conferred by sugars, to be specific, N-acetylgalactosamine for the A-type and galactose for the B-type.

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