How was the plate tectonic theory developed?

How was the plate tectonic theory developed?

Plate tectonic theory had its beginnings in 1915 when Alfred Wegener proposed his theory of “continental drift.” Wegener proposed that the continents plowed through crust of ocean basins, which would explain why the outlines of many coastlines (like South America and Africa) look like they fit together like a puzzle.

What two theories helped develop plate tectonic theory?

In particular, four major scientific developments spurred the formulation of the plate-tectonics theory: (1) demonstration of the ruggedness and youth of the ocean floor; (2) confirmation of repeated reversals of the Earth magnetic field in the geologic past; (3) emergence of the seafloor-spreading hypothesis and …

What 3 things support the theory of plate tectonics?

There is variety of evidence that supports the claims that plate tectonics accounts for (1) the distribution of fossils on different continents, (2) the occurrence of earthquakes, and (3) continental and ocean floor features including mountains, volcanoes, faults, and trenches.

What evidence is the best in the development of plate tectonic theory?

Evidence from fossils, glaciers, and complementary coastlines helps reveal how the plates once fit together. Fossils tell us when and where plants and animals once existed. Some life “rode” on diverging plates, became isolated, and evolved into new species.

How did the theory of plate tectonics improve on the theory of continental drift?

According to this theory, Earth’s crust is broken into roughly 20 sections called tectonic plates on which the continents ride. Plate tectonics explains why Earth’s continents are moving; the theory of continental drift did not provide an explanation. Therefore, the theory of plate tectonics is more complete.

What are the 3 causes of plate movement?

What are three causes of plate movement? Mantle dynamics, gravity, and Earth’s rotation taken altogether causes the plate movements. However, convectional currents are the general thought for the motion.

How does the plate tectonic theory unify the concepts of geology?

The theory of plate tectonics is a unifying theory that helps explain many seeming unrelated geologic phenomena. The theory states that Earth’s lithosphere is broken into numerous slabs or plates which are in constant motion driven by heat flow from within the Earth’s interior (mantle and core).

Which scientists contributed to the theory of plate tectonics?

The “Father of Plate Tectonics”, Alfred Wegener proposed “Continental Drift” in 1912, but was ridiculed by fellow scientists.

What best describes the plate tectonics theory?

The theory of plate tectonics states that the Earth’s solid outer crust, the lithosphere, is separated into plates that move over the asthenosphere, the molten upper portion of the mantle. Oceanic and continental plates come together, spread apart, and interact at boundaries all over the planet.

Which of the following examples best supports the theory of plate tectonics?

Which of the following observations best supports the theory of plate tectonics? The uneven distribution of thermal energy in the water causes the water molecules to rise and sink in a continuous cycle. The patterns demonstrate that the oceanic crust is moving apart at a divergent plate boundary.

What evidence best supports the claim that plate tectonics cause earthquakes?

Which evidence best supports the claim that plate tectonics cause earthquakes? The distribution of rocks is determined by the history of plate motions. A transform boundary is created when two plates slide past one another.

How will tectonic plates move in the future?

These pieces, the tectonic plates, move around the planet at speeds of a few centimetres per year. Every so often they come together and combine into a supercontinent, which remains for a few hundred million years before breaking up.

What is the theory of plate tectonics?

Synthesized from these findings and others in geology, oceanography, and geophysics, plate tectonics theory holds that the lithosphere, the hard outer layer of the earth, is divided into about 7 major plates and perhaps as many as 12 smaller plates, c.60 mi (100 km) thick, resting upon a lower soft layer called the asthenosphere.

What is the evidence for plate tectonics?

It was thought impossible for blocks of crust to plow their way over Earth’s mantle, which was known to be far more rigid and dense. The idea of continental drift, inspired by the observation that the continents fit together like picies of a giant jigsaw puzzle, provided strong evidence for the theory that later developed as plate tectonics.

How did Alfred Wegener contribute to the theory of plate tectonics?

In 1912 the meteorologist Alfred Wegener described what he called continental drift, an idea that culminated fifty years later in the modern theory of plate tectonics. Wegener expanded his theory in his 1915 book The Origin of Continents and Oceans.

What is the history of plate tectonics and continental drift?

In 1912 German meteorologist Alfred Wegener, impressed by the similarity of the geography of the Atlantic coastlines, explicitly presented the concept of continental drift. Though plate tectonics is by no means synonymous with continental drift, the term encompasses this idea and derives much of its impact from it.

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