How much will cost to build an apartment in Bangladesh?

How much will cost to build an apartment in Bangladesh?

First, There is a thumb-rule for construction cost in Bangladesh. 2200~2300 BdT per Square feet. You can find an estimated value from here. This is highly variable, may change due to a lot of parameters.

How much does a building cost in Bangladesh?

Related Indicators for Bangladesh Building Construction Cost Index: Dhaka

country/region Last
Bangladesh Building Construction Cost Index: Dhaka: Transport (1998-1999=100) 2,109.230 Oct 2021
Bangladesh Building Construction Cost Index: Chittagong (1998-1999=100) 635.900 Oct 2021

How much does a house in Bangladesh cost?


Monthly rent for 85 m2 (900 sqft) furnished accommodation in expensive area Taka 52,750
Monthly rent for 85 m2 (900 sqft) furnished accommodation in normal area Taka 23,145
Utilities 1 month (heating, electricity, gas …) for 2 people in 85m2 flat Taka 4,251

How much does it cost to build a duplex in Bangladesh?

Just for an idea: On average, the construction cost per square feet in Bangladesh would range between BDT 1200 – 1800/-. You can consider the best of two beings Taka 1500-1600 per sqft.

How much does it cost to build a 4 floor building?

By that estimate, one would require a minimum Rs 2.4 crore to develop a four-storey structure. A fully-developed space, on the other hand could cost the owner anywhere between Rs 2,000 psf to Rs 2,400 psf additionally. This would bring the entire cost of construction of a four-storey house to a minimum Rs 7.80 lakh.

What is a good salary in Bangladesh?

Staying in the social class you are already in is easier, a 70k monthly earning will let you get by with your 3–4 member family with solvency and some savings as well. On average, a salary above 100k( 1 lakh) a month is considered high salary to mass people.

How much money do you need to build a house in Bangladesh?

2 Katha of land can be more than enough to build a house in Bangladesh. However, be ready to spend anywhere between a few Lac to a few Crore per Katha in Dhaka! The current going rate for land per Katha in Mirpur starts from 25 Lac.

How much do apartment buildings cost?

Apartment Building Cost

Apartment Building Prices
National average cost $11 million​
Average range $4.7-$52 million​
Low-end $940,000​
High-end $104 million​

How much does it cost to buy an apartment building?

While you can purchase a smaller apartment building for $500,000 to $750,000, a mid-size or large apartment complex will likely cost more than $1 million. The cost will vary based on the age of the building and the type of property (such as A, B, or C apartment complex).

How much does it cost to build a house in Bangladesh?

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