How is the Tampa scale 11 scored?

How is the Tampa scale 11 scored?

Items on the TSK-11 are scored from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree). Thus, total TSK-11 scores range from 11–44 points with higher scores indicating greater fear of pain, movement, and injury. Pain catastrophizing was assessed with the 13-item Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS).

What is the Tampa scale of Kinesiophobia used for?

The Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK) has been used to evaluate psychological outcomes in patients with ACL injuries in many countries and translated into Japanese version in 2013.

What does the TSK-11 measure?

The TSK-11 is a brief, reliable, and valid measure of fear of movement/(re)injury for chronic pain patients.

What does Kinesiophobia?

Kinesiophobia, defined as “an excessive, irrational, and debilitating fear of physical movement and activity resulting from a feeling of vulnerability due to painful injury or reinjury” [1] is found to be a central factor in the process of pain developing from acute to chronic stages [2].

How do you treat Kinesiophobia?

Massage therapy—manual manipulation may prove quite effective for certain kinesiophobia patients. Not only can manual manipulation help resolve scar tissue and tense muscles, but there is a definite euphoria associated with this therapy that can help mitigate any lingering pain and fear.

How is the Chronic pain Acceptance Questionnaire scored?

A seven-point (from 0 = Never to 6 = Always) rating scale is used in each of the 20 items. The measure gives both total score (range from 0 to 156) and partial scores (range from 0 to 54, for the pain willingness subscale; 0 and 66, for the activity engagement subscale); higher results mean high pain acceptance.

How is the Tampa Kinesiophobia scale scored?

The total score of the scale range from 17- 68, where 17 means no kinesiophobia, 68 means severe kinesiophobia, and score ± 37 indicates there is kinesiophobia. The shortened version TSK-11 maintains items 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, and 17 from the original scale, and its score range from 11-44.

How is the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire scored?

How can I improve my kinesiophobia?

How can I prevent kinesiophobia?

The best period of time to prevent kinesiophobia is during the early phases (Phase I) of physical rehabilitation in order to re-establish the athlete’s confidence for the initiation of movement, the acceptance of externally applied intensity, the ability to produce force, and the ability to appropriately tolerate …

What is pain avoidance?

Fear of movement-related pain leads to two types of avoidance behavior: excessive avoidance and pain-inhibited movement. Excessive avoidance is an absence of movement by fear, and pain-inhibited movements involve a change in motor behavior for the purpose of protecting the painful part.

What is the fear of pain called?

Algophobia (Fear of Pain)

What is the Tampa scale for kinesiophobia?

The Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK) was developed by Miller, Kori and Todd in 1991 as a self-report checklist that measures fear of movement or re (injury) as linked to thoughts and beliefs about pain.

What is the lowest a score on a kinesiophobia scale?

A score of 17 is the lowest possible score, and indicates no kinesiophobia or negligible. A score of 68 is the highest possible score and indicates extreme fear of pain with movement.

What is a good TSK score for fear?

The final TSK score is formed by adding the points from all 17 items. TSK scores range from 17 to 68, where scores of 17 indicate no kinesiophobia and scores of 68 indicate extreme fear of pain with movement. In their 1995 study, Vlaeyen et al. introduced a cut off of 37 for high scores, with scores below this value considered low.

What is the Tampa scale used for?

Tampa scale used in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain such as low back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia. TSK-AA was also valid to use after spinal fusion in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis . TSK composed of 17 items, scoring range from 1: 4 as follows for items from 1, 2, 3-7, 9-11, 13-15, and 17:

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