How is the nurse important in Romeo and Juliet?

How is the nurse important in Romeo and Juliet?

The ‘s main role in the play is that of a secondary mother figure for Juliet. The clearly enjoys a closer relationship with Juliet than Lady Capulet does. This isn’t surprising, given the amount of responsibility she had in caring for Juliet since her birth.

How is the theme of marriage presented in Romeo and Juliet?

Marriage in Romeo and Juliet In Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”, he portrays the idealistic perception of love in Shakespeare’s time. He shows how the partner’s wealth and social background was the main factor in marriage, as opposed to modern day passionate love, which is drawn by attraction and compatibility.

What does the nurse symbolize in Romeo and Juliet?

The Nurse’s key function within the play is to act as a go-between for Romeo and Juliet, and is the only other character besides Friar Laurence to know of their wedding. The Nurse, despite being a servant in the Capulet household, has a role equivalent to that of Juliet’s mother and regards Juliet as her own daughter.

What are some themes in Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo and Juliet Themes

  • Love. Though Romeo and Juliet is arguably the most archetypal love story in the English language, it portrays only a very specific type of love: young, irrational, passionate love.
  • Death. In Romeo and Juliet, death is everywhere.
  • Age.
  • Identity.
  • Gender.
  • Revenge.
  • Marriage.

What was Romeo’s tragic flaw?

In the play of Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare, fate controls the character by using their fatal flaws against them, Romeo’s fatal flaw is his impetuousness, Juliet’s fatal flaw is her impulsiveness, and Friar Lawrence’s fatal flaw is that he is blinded by his goal to bring peace to Verona.

Why did the Devil come between us I was hurt under my arm?

Why the devil came you between us? I was hurt under your arm. No, it’s not as deep as a well, or as wide as a church door, but it’s enough. It’ll do the job.

What are the two main themes in Romeo and Juliet?

The themes of death and violence permeate Romeo and Juliet, and they are always connected to passion, whether that passion is love or hate. The connection between hate, violence, and death seems obvious. But the connection between love and violence requires further investigation.

Why did Romeo kill himself for Juliet?

Romeo kills himself because he would rather be with Juliet in death than go on living without her. Having proven himself to be wildly passionate and quick to take action, Romeo prioritizes his love for Juliet. He acts on his deep sorrow over the loss instead of trying to imagine how to live his life after the tragedy.

What is marriage in Romeo and Juliet?

The word “Marry” is an exclamation used in Shakespeare’s time. Its best definition is “indeed!”.

Why did Romeo marry Juliet?

Romeo and Juliet get married so quickly because they are in lust and, due to their young age, do not know how to handle it. Also, the feud between their families plays a role in that they know they will be forbidden to be together, so they figure the best way to get around it is just to get married.

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