How fast does Ashe Juniper grow?

How fast does Ashe Juniper grow?

It can take 10 to 40 years for Ashe’s juniper to establish stands that are over 4 feet (1.2 m) tall [33,50].

Is Ashe Juniper invasive?

Although Ashe Juniper is native to central Texas, it is considered an invasive weed by many landowners and developers. It is true that young, shallow rooted, multi-trunked and dense Ashe Juniper invades grasslands that have been fire suppressed and overgrazed.

How long do Ashe junipers live?

50 years
Uses. The wood is naturally rot-resistant and provides raw material for fence posts. Posts cut from old-growth Ashe junipers have been known to last in the ground for more than 50 years.

What herbicide kills juniper trees?


  • Pour equal parts glyphosate or tryclopyramine and water in a hand sprayer and shake well to mix.
  • Hack around the trunk of the ashe juniper through the bark and into the sapwood underneath using a hatchet, small axe or machete.

How do you remove Ashe juniper?

Ashe junipers of any size can be killed by cutting at or slightly above the soil surface with an ax, chain saw, or hand-pruning shears. Redberry juniper seedlings and saplings can also be killed if cut at the soil surface, as long as the “bud zone” (a swollen “bulb” on the basal stem) is still above the soil surface.

How do you identify Ashe juniper?

Scale-like leaves are green year-round and the shoots are rounded but not flattened. Blue seed cones and pollen cones reach maturity in December to February. Reaches reproductive maturity at heights as short as 4′. Its bark is reddish-brown and peels into long strips.

How do you remove Ashe Juniper?

What animal eats juniper berries?

Juniper berries are one of the top winter foods for many birds and mammals. Rabbits, foxes and most birds – turkeys, bluebirds, robins, chickadees and waxwings to name a few – covet the deep blue berries.

How do you control junipers?

Soil-applied treatments The soil-applied herbicide hexazinone (Velpar L) is very effective for controlling juniper at any time of the year. Apply undiluted hexazinone to the soil surface just outside the canopy drip line at the rate of 3 ml (cc) per 3 feet of canopy height.

Can you burn juniper leaves?

If you want to burn juniper needles, you can strip some from your garden shrub and begin. It doesn’t take a lot to create a powerful smell. If you are wondering how to use juniper for herbal uses other than burning it, you can purchase juniper commercially in various forms. Look for capsules of oil, teas, and lotions.

Do juniper bushes grow back?

Junipers (Juniperus spp.) can be used in nearly every part of your landscape. The long-lived evergreens can become scraggly and overgrown, however. Although a juniper won’t grow back from a branch that has no green growth, careful pruning can revive the shrub.

Does juniper make good mulch?

If you have fallen or recently felled juniper trees or shrubs (Juniperus spp.) at your disposal, their branches can be used as wood chip mulch, as can their needles.

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