How do you talk to Degaine?

How do you talk to Degaine?

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Travel to the city of Markarth.
  2. Speak with Degaine.
  3. Enter the Inner Sanctum of the Temple of Dibella.
  4. Steal the statue and return to Degaine for your reward.

Where is Degaine in Skyrim?

Degaine is a beggar in Markarth who will ask you to steal the statue in the Temple of Dibella.

Can you adopt Fjotra Skyrim?

Taking Fjotra back to her parents in Karthwasten between rescuing her and taking her to Markarth will initiate a few lines of dialogue. Both of Fjotra’s parents are Breton, which could mean that she is adopted.

How do you trigger the heart of Dibella?

This quest is started by accepting the errand given by Hamal, deep inside the Temple of Dibella’s sanctum in Markath. You can also talk to the beggar named Degaine and he’ll give you a miscellaneous task to steal the statue inside the temple.

What happens if I steal the Statue of Dibella?

It is possible to complete The Heart of Dibella and subsequently steal the statue, completing both quests, but stealing the statue first will make the second quest unavailable and only yield the reward of some gold from Degaine.

Who is Hamal Skyrim?

Hamal (also known as Mother Hamal) is the High Priestess of the Temple of Dibella in the city of Markarth. The player must break into the Inner Sanctum of the Temple of Dibella to meet her. After that she starts the Quest The Heart of Dibella.

How do you force adoption in Skyrim?

Simply select a child with the console (preferably one whose parents/guardians have been disposed of), note the ID that comes up, and type these commands: setrelationshiprank [Child ID] 4 , setrelationshiprank player 4 , addfac xx004290 1 . They should now give the adoption dialogue.

Should you steal the Statue of Dibella?

Speak to Degaine It is possible to complete The Heart of Dibella and subsequently steal the statue, completing both quests, but stealing the statue first will make the second quest unavailable and only yield the reward of some gold from Degaine.

Should I give the statue of Dibella to Degaine?

Who is Dibella Skyrim?

Dibella is one of the Aedra, or Divines. She is the goddess of beauty and fertility and has a temple in Markarth that is devoted to women. Her devotees are committed to practicing their ‘Dibellan Arts’, meaning that they share themselves sexually with those who have need of intimate comfort.

How do you Unadopt a child in Skyrim console?

It does not seem to work every time but it’s quick and worth trying: Open the console, click on the child, and enter “addfac XX04290 1”, replacing “XX” by the load order number of your Hearthfires.

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