How do you take care of a VP shunt?

How do you take care of a VP shunt?

How can you care for yourself at home?

  1. Rest when you feel tired.
  2. Do not touch the valve on your head.
  3. It is okay for you to lie on the side of your head with the shunt.
  4. For 6 weeks, do not do any activity that may cause you to hit your head.
  5. You will probably be able to return to work in less than 1 week.

What are some nursing considerations in the treatment of hydrocephalus?

Nursing interventions for the newborn with hydrocephalus include:

  • Preventing injury.
  • Promoting skin integrity.
  • Preventing infection.
  • Promoting growth and development.
  • Reducing family anxiety.
  • Providing family teaching.

How do you position a patient after a VP shunt?

Immediate postoperative care includes positioning, pain management, ensuring proper function of the shunt device, monitoring, and care of the surgical site. The infant should be positioned on the unaffected side or on the back with head elevated at 15[degrees] to 30[degrees] to minimize rapid drainage of CSF.

How do you care for a patient with hydrocephalus?

The most common treatment for hydrocephalus is the surgical insertion of a drainage system, called a shunt. It consists of a long, flexible tube with a valve that keeps fluid from the brain flowing in the right direction and at the proper rate. One end of the tubing is usually placed in one of the brain’s ventricles.

How do you clean a shunt?

VP Shunt Wound Care Do not submerge the wound under water until your child’s provider says it is okay to do so. This means not taking a bath or shower, going swimming, or using a hot tub. Instead, give your child a sponge bath and wash their hair every day.

What nursing care should the nurse provide to help decrease the increased intracranial pressure the client is experiencing?

If a patient is suspected of having an increased ICP, methods to reduce the pressure from increasing further include elevating the patient’s head to 30 degrees, keeping their neck in a neutral position, avoiding overhydration, maintaining normal body temperature and maintaining normal oxygen and carbon dioxide levels ( …

What foods help with hydrocephalus?

Mediterranean diet

  • high consumption of extra virgin olive oil rather than other fats.
  • high intake of fish.
  • high intake of fruit, vegetables, cereals and legumes.
  • moderate intake of alcohol (usually red wine)
  • low intake of meat (in particular, red meat)
  • low to moderate intake of dairy products.

What are shunt precautions?

Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for magnetic field precautions specific for your type of shunt. Here are some general rules for many shunts: Keep all products with magnets at least 2 inches away from the valve implant site. Don’t use magnetic therapy pads and pillows.

What are the signs of a VP shunt malfunction?

Warning signs of a shunt malfunction include fever, irritability, headaches, a change in personality and redness or inflammation along the shunt’s path, according to the Hydrocephalus Association.

What are the symptoms of a VP shunt underdrainage?

Risks of VP shunting. Fever, headache, abdominal pain, fatigue, and a spike in blood pressure levels , or having the same symptoms that were present when the shunt was initially placed, can indicate an infection or a malfunction of the shunt. Notify your doctor immediately if these signs and symptoms develop.

What causes a VP shunt to break?

VP shunt failure is very common in infants, mostly resulting from obstruction and infection. Future studies should focus on methods designed to avoid these complications or on alternative treatments for hydrocephalus. VP shunt failure is very common in infants, mostly resulting from obstruction and infection.

Can a VP shunt be removed?

However, if your VP shunt is placed for a sudden emergency, such as swelling from a stroke, an infection of the brain, or bleeding in the brain, then there is a high chance that your shunt can be removed once the cause of the swelling is resolved.

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