How do you say looking forward during a phone interview?

How do you say looking forward during a phone interview?

Thank you so much for contacting me about the project manager position at ABC Company. I would be happy to do a phone interview Thursday, March 16, at 1:30 p.m. I’m looking forward to talking with you more about the position. If you need anything from me in the meantime, you can email or call me at 555-555-5555.

How do you write that you are looking forward to an interview?

I’m looking forward to hearing any updates about the position that you can share. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns in the meantime. Thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you.

How do you respond to a phone interview invitation?

Thank you for inviting me to the interview for the [job title] role at [employer’s name]. I confirm that I’m available for the phone interview at [time] on [date]. The best number to reach me on at that time is [insert your phone number].

How do I respond to a recruiter email for a phone interview?

Hi [Recruiter Name], Thanks so much for reaching out. I’m available to speak at [insert dates and times you’re free for a phone interview]. Please let me know if you need anything else in the meantime.

How do you write a email for a phone interview?

Hi [FIRST NAME], Thank you for applying to the [JOB TITLE] position at [COMPANY NAME]. After reviewing your application, we are excited to move forward with the interview process. We would like to schedule a [LENGTH OF INTERVIEW] phone call with [INTERVIEWER], [INTERVIEWER JOB TITLE] at [COMPANY NAME].

What’s another way to say I’m looking forward to?

I fondly anticipate … I’m eagerly anticipating ……Informal:

  • I can’t wait to …
  • I’m excited about …
  • I’m counting downs the days until …
  • I’m waiting impatiently for … (informal and formal)
  • I’m longing to …
  • Please feel free to contact me anytime (both informal and formal)
  • I have high hopes of …
  • I simply cannot wait to …

How do you email an interview invitation?

Hi [name], Thanks for your application to [company name]. We were impressed by your background and would like to invite you to interview [at our office / via Skype / via phone] to tell you a little more about the position and get to know you better.

How do you do a phone interview?

Phone interview tips

  1. Confirm the scheduled time. Before the day of your interview, confirm the date and time so you’re sure to pick up when the call comes in.
  2. Reschedule, if necessary.
  3. Research the company.
  4. Know who will be calling you.
  5. Look over the job description.
  6. Be an active listener.
  7. Be professional.
  8. Smile.

How do you say looking forward to you professionally?


  1. I anticipate …
  2. I await the opportunity to …
  3. I fondly anticipate …
  4. I’m eagerly anticipating …
  5. Your prompt reply would be appreciated.
  6. I await … with great expectation.
  7. I have high expectations of …
  8. I hope to … very soon.

How do you say excited professionally?

41 alternatives to the word “excited”

  1. aflame.
  2. animated.
  3. anxious.
  4. ardent.
  5. breathless.
  6. delighted.
  7. eager.
  8. elated.

How do I write a second interview email?

We’d like to invite you to participate in a second interview with [name of interviewer], our [interviewer’s job title]. The interview will last approximately [length of interview] and will take place [over the phone, via video call or in the office].

How do you say I am looking forward to the interview?

“I am looking forward to the interview” is a commonly used statement in business English to express excitement or anticipation toward an upcoming, planned discussion. The verb in this expression can be changed into its simple present form “to look forward to” to increase its formality level.

How to respond to a phone interview email?

How to Respond to a Phone Interview Email. If you receive a phone interview request via email, you should respond via email unless otherwise indicated. Follow a script similar to the one used for a phone reply, except for your introduction. Start your reply with a “thank you” for the opportunity. Restate the position and confirm the time.

How do you confirm an interview date and time?

Once candidates have accepted your phone interview invitation, send them an email to confirm the date and time of the interview and set final details. A phone interview confirmation email helps recruiters: Confirm interviews after a verbal agreement with candidates.

What is a phone interview confirmation email?

A phone interview confirmation email helps recruiters: Confirm interviews after a verbal agreement with candidates. Set the exact date and time of the interview, after checking candidates’ availability. Remind candidates of the date and time of the interview, particularly if they’ve booked the appointment a while ago.

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