How do you make a hyphen in LaTeX?

How do you make a hyphen in LaTeX?

To suggest hyphenation points for strings containing nonletters or accented letters, use the \- command in the input text. This command is normally given in the preamble.

How do I stop LaTeX hyphenation?

8 Answers

  1. You can set \hyphenpenalty and \exhyphenpenalty to 10000, which will stop hyphenation, but as TeX will still try to hyphenate this is not hugely efficient.
  2. As Joel says, you can use sepackage[none]{hyphenat} to select a ‘language’ with no hyphenation at all.

How do the words in a \hyphenation command be separated?

The \hyphenation command declares allowed hyphenation points, where words is a list of words, separated by spaces, in which each hyphenation point is indicated by a – character.

How do you split words in LaTeX?

1 Answer

  1. use the right kind of hyphenation rules, e.g., in your case it is possibly sepackage[british]{babel} instead of the default hyphenation patterns.
  2. use \- inside a word to explicitly denote the allowed places to break, e.g. cryp\-to\-graphy.
  3. specify exceptions via \hyphenation{cryp-to-graphy}

How do you stop LaTeX?

Actually, there is a civilized way to kill LaTeX, as asked by you. Enter x at the prompt, then press Enter . Pressing Ctrl-d may be even faster. Most terminals send en end-of-file with this keystroke, which makes LaTeX react in the same way as if x was entered.

Why we use hyphenation in MS Word?

Hyphenation in MS Word is used to break the last word of any line beyond the edge of the document and correct it by distributing equally to the current line and its bottom line. Doing so will give clear and uniform spacing for the text of the document beautifully.

How do I automatically hyphenate a word document?

Use Word’s automatic hyphenation option to present your clients with a visually appealing document that displays evenly spaced words.

  1. Click the “Page Layout” tab and locate the Page Setup section.
  2. Click “Hyphenation” and then “Automatic.” The document text is hyphenated.

How do you write an apostrophe in LaTeX?

“U+0027 ‘ apostrophe (HTML: ‘ ‘ ) typewriter apostrophe.”

How do you write text in LaTeX?

In this article, three different type of methods to add text in LaTeX in math mode will be explained: Text , Textrm and mbox .

  1. Method 1: \text{} command.
  2. Method 2: \textrm{} command.
  3. Method 3: \mbox{} command.

How do you write text in math mode in LaTeX?

In LaTeX math mode, spaces are overlooked, and letters are rendered in italics. Hence, in order to add normal text, we need special commands such as \text, \textrm, \mbx and \textnormal.

How do you use optional hyphens in a sentence?

For instance, you can put an optional hyphen in a word at a normal hyphenation point. Through the course of editing your document, if the word falls at the end of a line, it will be hyphenated as you direct. If the word does not fall at the end of a line, the hyphen is not used and the word remains unhyphenated.

Where can I find the correct latex hyphenation?

Bonus answer: A google search of “latex hyphenation” yielded all kinds of useful results, including the latex wiki book which has the answer: – Mica Feb 4 ’10 at 16:25

Can you put a hyphen at the end of a word?

For instance, you can put an optional hyphen in a word at a normal hyphenation point. Through the course of editing your document, if the word falls at the end of a line, it will be hyphenated as you direct.

Why can’t I hyphenate words with dashes in them?

The problem (as KennyTM noted) is that LaTeX won’t hyphenate words with dashes in them. Luckily, there’s a standard package (part of ncctools) that addresses that very problem, called extdash. This defines new hyphen and dash commands that do not disrupt hyphenation, and which can allow or prevent line breaks at the hyphen/dash.

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