How do you get Susanoomon in Digimon World 4?

How do you get Susanoomon in Digimon World 4?

Digimon World 4 Susanoomon can be obtained with Agumon or Guilmon, you must do the “Seal The Ghost” extermination sidequest in very hard mode breaking a “Defence Rom Delta” in the cave.

How do you get Wargreymon in Digimon World 4?

How to Get Wargreymon. Normal Mode: Defeat all 279 enemies in Undead Yard with Agumon, or defeat Shogungekomon in Item Road (to go to Item Road beat the Mecha Rouge X) with Guilmon.

How do you get Alphamon in Digimon World 4?

Digimon World 4 If you chose Agumon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Hard mode.

Is Susanoomon the strongest Digimon?

8 Susanoomon It’s the strongest form that the DigiDestined are capable of achieving within Frontier. Susanoomon even briefly resurfaces in Digimon Fusion to hand his power over to help in the battle against Quartzmon.

Is Susanoomon an Omnimon?

Susanoomon This Omnimon’s form in Frontier. He has the appearance of both Magnagarurumon’s and Emperorgreymon’s armour with Omnimon’s head. He is the combination of all 10 legendary wariors.

How do you unlock the item Road in Digimon World 4?

Beat the game once. The talk to quest keeper that give this quest. You have activate it. Then go to battle arena by going to machine pit(this quest and wamu platform quest are different than other quest.)

What is wisdom in Digimon World 4?

Wisdom = power with mp techs. Spirit = defense agaisnt mp techs. Boards. Digimon World 4. What do Wisdom and spirit do?

Who is stronger Omnimon or Susanoomon?

The intensity of power I saw in froniter shows that susanoomon is superior to omnimon.

Is Susanoomon stronger than Omnimon?

How do you get Susanoomon in Super Digimon Hunter x Hunter?

Susanoomon is a Super-Ultimate Digimon obtained by fusing KaiserGreymon and MagnaGarurumon via the Digivolution dojo (requires Paildramon to be already in the city). Susanoomon can also be recruited to the city after beating the game and unlocking the dimensional dungeons. It will appear on Logic Volcano and ask the player to defeat Examon.

What level does Agunimon turn into Susanoomon?

In the original Japanese PlayStation Vita version of the game, Agunimon digivolved into Susanoomon, however the western PS4 version changed Susanoomon from a Mega level Digimon to an Ultra level Digimon that DNA Digivolves from KaiserGreymon and MagnaGarurumon.

Is Susanoomon a Mega Digimon?

Susanoomon is a Air Vaccine type, Yellow Mega level Digimon. It DNA digivolves from KaiserGreymon and MagnaGarurumon. Ultra level Digimon can’t poop but if Piedmon’s experiment maxes the poop gauge, it will digivolve into PlatinumSukamon or Sukamon.

How do I get Susanoomon?

Susanoomon can be obtained with Agumon or Guilmon, you must do the “Seal The Ghost” extermination sidequest in very hard mode breaking a “Defence Rom Delta” in the cave. With Veemon or Dorumon you must do the “Card Retrieve” sidequest in very hard mode with only 1 hp of life without recovering hp or using a gate disk.

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