How do you convert a repeating decimal to a decimal?

How do you convert a repeating decimal to a decimal?

The easiest and most precise way to add repeating decimals is to turn the decimal into a fraction. Remember from beginning algebra classes that decimals are actually shorthand ways of expressing fractions with a base number of 10. For example, 0.5 is 5/10, 0.75 is 75/100 and .

What is 0.36 repeating as a fraction?

The repeating decimal 0.36363636. . . is written as the fraction 411 .

What is 0.6 recurring as a fraction?

Answer: 0.6 repeating as a fraction is equal to 2/3.

What is 0.2 Repeating as a fraction?

Answer: 0.2 when converted into a fraction is 1/5. To convert a decimal number into a fraction, we write the given number as the numerator and place 1 in the denominator right below the decimal point followed by the number of zeros required accordingly. Then, this fraction can be simplified.

Is 0.3636 a terminating decimal?

Yes, 0.363636… is a repeating decimal. It can be written as 0.

What is 0.8 recurring as a fraction?

As a fraction 0.8 (8 repeating) is 89 .

What is 0.4 recurring as a fraction?

Answer: 0.4 repeating as a fraction can be written as 4/9 in fractions.

What is the recurring decimal 0.15 as a fraction?

Answer: 0.15 repeating as a fraction can be written as 5/33 in a fraction.

How do you write a repeating decimal as a fraction?

Every fraction can be written as a decimal, either terminating or repeating. To write a fraction as a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. For example, here’s how you convert the fraction.

What fractions are repeating or terminating decimal?

From the table above, we can observe the following: Fractions whose denominator does not include 5 and 2 as factors are non-terminating decimals. Fractions whose denominator is a power of 2 (¼, and 1/8) are terminating decimals. Even not on the table, we can also test fractions whose denominator is a power of 5 (1/5, 1/25, 1/125) and would easily see that they are terminating decimals.

Can a repeating decimal be written as a fraction?

Rational Numbers: Any number that can be written in fraction form is a rational number. This includes integers, terminating decimals, and repeating decimals as well as fractions. An integer can be written as a fraction simply by giving it a denominator of one, so any integer is a rational number.

What is an example of a repeating decimal?

The definition of a repeating decimal is a fractional number in which one or more numbers after the decimal point repeats indefinitely. The fractional representation of 1/3, which is .3333333 (with the 3 repeating forever) is an example of a repeating decimal.

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