How do you conjugate Benutzen?

How do you conjugate Benutzen?

Conjugate the verb benutzen:

  1. ich benutze. du benutzt.
  2. er benutzte. wir haben benutzt.
  3. ihr werdet benutzen.
  4. sie würden benutzen.

What is the past participle of Besuchen?


Infinitive Past participle
fotografieren fotografier-t
reservieren reservier-t
besuchen besuch-t

What is verb conjugation?

In grammar, when you conjugate a verb, it just means that you change the verb in order for a sentence to make sense. Correctly conjugated verbs communicate to a reader or a listener the meaning behind the the sentence clearly. Verbs are conjugated in English all the time to convey different meanings.

Is Live irregular verb?

Most verbs are REGULAR: they form their past tense and past participle by adding -d or -ed to the plain form—live, lived, lived. About two hundred English verbs are IRREGULAR: they form their past tense and past participle in some irregular way—break, broke, broken.

What is the difference between nutzen and Benutzen?

“Nutzen” is used when referring to something abstract, e.g. “er nutzt seine Kenntnisse” – “he uses his knowledge”. Meanwhile “benutzen” is used when referring to something specific or material, e.g. “er benutzt ein Messer” – “he uses a knife”.

What is the past participle of Vergessen?

Infinitive Past participle
beginnen begonn-en
vergessen vergess-en
verlieren verlor-en

What is the past participle of kaufen?

The Past Participle of the German verb kaufen

Past Participle
gekauft bought

How do you conjugate Anrufen?

Conjugate the verb anrufen:

  1. ich rufe an. du rufst an.
  2. er rief an. wir haben angerufen.
  3. ihr werdet anrufen.
  4. sie würden anrufen.

What are the 8 forms of to be?

The verb be is irregular. It has eight different forms: be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been. The present simple and past simple tenses make more changes than those of other verbs. I am late.

How do you conjugate nouns?

The general rule of thumb for conjugating verbs is that if there’s one person, place, or thing as the subject (not just one noun), then the verb is conjugated in the singular. If there are multiple people, places, or things, then the verb is conjugated in the plural.

What is past participle live?

live ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

present tense
he/she/it lives
present participle living
past tense lived
past participle lived

What is the past perfect of get?

Common Irregular Verbs in the Past Perfect Tense *The past participle of “to get” is “gotten” in American English. In British English, the past participle is “got.”

What is the conjugation of get?

Conjugation of Get. Simple / Indefinite Present Tense. He/She/It gets . I get. You/We/They get. Present Continuous Tense. He/She/It is getting. I am getting. You/We/They are getting.

What is the past tense of he/she/it getting?

Past Continuous Tense; He/She/It was getting. I was getting. You/We/They were getting.

What is the past perfect continuous tense of getting?

Past Perfect Continuous Tense. He/She/It had been getting. I had been getting. You/We/They had been getting. Simple Future Tense. He/She/It will/shall get. I will/shall get. You/We/They will/shall get.

How do you use I got in a sentence?

I got. You/We/They got. He/She/It was getting. I was getting. You/We/They were getting. He/She/It had gotten. I had gotten. You/We/They had gotten. He/She/It had been getting. I had been getting.

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