How do you comment all in Ruby?

How do you comment all in Ruby?

Despite the existence of =begin and =end , the normal and a more correct way to comment is to use # ‘s on each line. If you read the source of any ruby library, you will see that this is the way multi-line comments are done in almost all cases.

How do I comment code in Ruby on Rails?

As the other answers said, use <% #comment %> to comment within a Rails view.

How do you type comments in code?

How to comment Code: Primarily, a single “block” comment should be placed at the top of the function (or file) and describe the purpose the code and any algorithms used to accomplish the goal. In-line comments should be used sparingly, only where the code is not “self-documenting”.

How do you add comments in erb?

erb is by definition “embedded ruby”, you can embed every ruby code between: <%= and the other: %> , typically all written in one line. In addition, ruby one-line comments start always with # , so the <%=# Comment %> style matches perfectly with both pure-ruby and erb styles for one-line comments.

How do you comment HTML code?

An HTML comment begins with –– and the comment closes with ––> . HTML comments are visible to anyone that views the page source code, but are not rendered when the HTML document is rendered by a browser.

What is comment in C++ program?

The C++ comments are statements that are not executed by the compiler. The comments in C++ programming can be used to provide explanation of the code, variable, method or class. By the help of comments, you can hide the program code also. There are two types of comments in C++.

How do you add comments in HTML?

This element is used to add a comment to an HTML document. An HTML comment begins with –– and the comment closes with ––> . HTML comments are visible to anyone that views the page source code, but are not rendered when the HTML document is rendered by a browser.

How do you comment out a block of code in Ruby?

Single line comments in a Ruby script are defined with the ‘#’ character. For example, to add a single line comment to a simple script: # This is a comment line – it explains that the next line of code displays a welcome message print “Welcome to Ruby!”

What are comments in Ruby?

Comments in your Ruby code are notes and annotations meant to be read by other programmers. The comments themselves are ignored by the Ruby interpreter, so the text inside the comments isn’t subject to any restrictions. It’s usually good form to put comments before classes and methods as well any piece of code that may be complex or unclear.

How to comment multiple lines in a single line in Ruby?

A single line comment starts with # character and they extend from # to the end of the line as follows − #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # This is a single line comment. puts “Hello, Ruby!” When executed, the above program produces the following result − Hello, Ruby! You can comment multiple lines using =begin and =end syntax as follows −

What is the best way to explain a Ruby code?

Block comments are great when you need to thoroughly explain pieces of code. However, you should try to avoid over-commenting your code, as those comments could be redundant and create additional noise. Trust other programmers to understand Ruby code unless you are writing for a particular audience.

How do I Say Hello Ruby in Unix?

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w puts “Hello, Ruby!” =begin This is a multiline comment and con spwan as many lines as you like. But =begin and =end should come in the first line only. =end When executed, the above program produces the following result − Hello, Ruby!

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