How do I write like an AP student?

How do I write like an AP student?

How to Write an Essay Like an AP StudentLook for limiting words in the question and deal with the whole question. If the question mentions and, pick two. Develop a complex thesis statement. A general rule of thumb is to use cause and effect. Connect the dots. Discuss why early on. Avoid stunting

Is AP Lit difficult?

Well, it turns out neither AP Literature or AP Language is super easy to pass, and both are quite difficult to get a 5 (the highest score) on. (For more on AP test scoring, see our post.) Both exams have low pass rates and very low 5 rates.

Should I take AP stats or AP Calc AB?

If you have plans to major in STEM, then AP Calculus is a must in high school. AP Statistics is a better option for Commerce, Business and Finance majors. You can choose both if you want to major in Math and Statistics.

What is the easiest math class in high school?

For example, 9th grade math may be easier than 10th grade math, but it may have been more difficult for you at the time….The typical schedule is something like this:Algebra 1.Geometry.Algebra 2.Pre-calculus or Prob/Stat.

Should I take pre Calc or AP stats?

Pre-Calculus or its Alternative Statistics is a form of math that appeals to people who like writing and explaining. AP Statistics is considered to be a strong math course by most colleges. An outstanding grade in AP Statistics would look better on a transcript than a weak grade in AP Calculus.

Is Trig harder than statistics?

Strictly speaking, statistics is not mathematics. If you were choosing between a course in MATHEMATICAL statistics and trig, and you want the easier course, I would definitely say trig. Easy is relative, if you’re relatively new to mathematics, trigonometry, and statistics, you need to get used to it.

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