How do I sort a list in Groovy?

How do I sort a list in Groovy?

Groovy – sort()

  1. Syntax. List sort()
  2. Parameters. None.
  3. Return Value. The sorted list.
  4. Example. Following is an example of the usage of this method − class Example { static void main(String[] args) { def lst = [13, 12, 15, 14]; def newlst = lst. sort(); println(newlst); } }

How do I sort an array in Groovy?

country. sort() will sort country alphabetically, mutating country in the process. country. sort(false) will sort country alphabetically, returning the sorted list.

How do you sort a list in Grails?

Different ways of sorting using GORM in Grails

  1. Sort query. Customizes the default property to sort by for query results.
  2. Sort () method: This method is simply used to sort the list according to a specified property.
  3. Sort using closure.
  4. Sorting of list using key value of Objects:

How do I add a list to Groovy?

Groovy – add() Append the new value to the end of this List. This method has 2 different variants. boolean add(Object value) − Append the new value to the end of this List.

How do I initialize a list in Groovy?

Groovy Lists are indexed using the indexing operator []. List indices start at zero, which refers to the first element….Groovy – Lists.

Sr.No. Methods & Description
1 add() Append the new value to the end of this List.
2 contains() Returns true if this List contains the specified value.

How do I clear a list in Groovy?

Clear a List in Groovy

  1. 01. // Declare a list.
  2. def l = [ 1 , 2 ]
  3. // Print the list size.
  4. println ( “List size: ” + l. size () )
  5. // Print the list contents.
  6. PrintListToConsole(l)
  7. // Clear the list.
  8. ClearList(l)

How do you write a loop in groovy?

“groovy script for loop” Code Answer

  1. List list = new ArrayList();
  2. list. add(“A”);
  3. list. add(“B”);
  4. list. add(“C”);
  5. for (String item : list) {
  6. System. out. println(item)

How do I add multiple elements to a list in Groovy?

Note: Groovy’s list literal will give you an array list. So could just write def actorCollection = [] or even = [“first”, “second”] to fill the list with the values right from the beginning.

How do I find the length of a list in Groovy?

Groovy – size()

  1. Syntax. int size()
  2. Parameters. None.
  3. Return Value. The size of the list.
  4. Example. Following is an example of the usage of this method − class Example { static void main(String[] args) { def lst = [11, 12, 13, 14]; println(lst. size); } } When we run the above program, we will get the following result − 4.

What is ArrayList in Groovy?

In Groovy when you create a list using the literal syntax ( def mylist = [] ) the java.util.ArrayList is the implementation you get: groovy:000> list = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’] ===> [] groovy:000> list instanceof List ===> true groovy:000> list.class ===> class java.util.ArrayList groovy:000> list.class.array ===> false groovy: …

How do I initialize a List in Groovy?

What does List clear do?

Removes all elements from the List.

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