How do I remove the post title in WordPress?

How do I remove the post title in WordPress?

Go to Posts > All Posts to see a list of all the blog entries on your site. Hover the post title you want to delete and click Quick Edit. Blank the title, then click Update. Or just click Edit to enter the Gutenberg editing screen, click the heading at the top, and delete the title text.

How do I hide site titles in WordPress?

Open any page you previously saved in WordPress. In the content editor, you will see a new tool labeled, “Hide Title.” Simply click the check box to hide the title and save the page. It’s that simple.

How do I remove a link from text in WordPress?

To remove a link in WordPress, just like editing, place your cursor anywhere in the link, and select the remove link button as show in red in the image below.

How do I hide the category title in WordPress?

You can hide the “Archive of… categories” title by following:

  1. Go to Appearance – Theme Options.
  2. Select Extra inputs settings tab.
  3. On Custom CSS insert this CSS. .pagetitle, .pagetitle-desc {display: none;}
  4. Click Save settings.

How do I change page title in WordPress?

To add your page titles and meta descriptions, login to the backend of your website. Then navigate to the page you want to add them to and click on Edit Page at the top of the page. Once you are able to edit that page, locate the Yoast SEO meta box and click Edit snippet.

How do I hide my website title?

Go to your My Site>Customize>Site Identity and remove the check mark next to Display Site Title and Tagline. Then click the Publish button at the top to make those changes go Live.

How do I hide page titles?

Hide Page and Post Titles Using a Plugin

  1. Go to Pages -> All Pages and click Edit under the particular page whose title you want to hide.
  2. Press the Settings button and scroll down to the Hide Page and Post Title section.
  3. Tick the checkbox to have the page title hidden, then press Update.

How do I edit links in WordPress?

Edit an Existing Link

  1. Click on the link in the editor.
  2. Select the Edit button that pops up.
  3. Edit the URL and hit enter to save the changes.

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