How do I protect my WordPress admin area?

How do I protect my WordPress admin area?

14 Vital Tips to Protect Your WordPress Admin Area (Updated)

  1. Use a Website Application Firewall.
  2. Password Protect WordPress Admin Directory.
  3. Always Use Strong Passwords.
  4. Use Two Step Verification to WordPress Login Screen.
  5. Limit Login Attempts.
  6. Limit Login Access to IP Addresses.
  7. Disable Login Hints.

Should I password protect WP admin?

If you are working with new members, you should also password protect the important directories. However, setting up a password on the wp-admin directory is a reasonable security measure to begin with.

What should you use to protect your user area?


  1. Whitelist the IP addresses you want to have access to your dashboard.
  2. Protect your dashboard using a master password.
  3. Add two-factor authentication to your login screen.
  4. Use Wordfence or something similar to limit the login attempts users can make.

How do I access my WordPress Admin folder?

For most website owners, this can be found by clicking on the ‘public_html’ folder. This brings up all of the website files you’ve installed on your server. Next you’ll need to click on the folder with your website’s domain name. In that folder, you’ll see a ‘wp-admin’ folder.

How do I change the WP admin URL in WordPress?


  1. Go to Plugins › Add New.
  2. Search for Change wp-admin login.
  3. Download and activate it.
  4. Go under Settings and then click on “Permalinks” and change your URL under “Change wp-admin login”
  5. You can change this anytime, just go back to Settings › Permalinks › Change wp-admin login.

What is wp content?

wp-content in a Nutshell The wp-content folder is an integral part of any WordPress installation, which is why you find it in the main directory of any site built with the WordPress platform. It houses any content provided by users that is not saved in the database. That includes plugins, themes and uploaded media.

Is WP-config PHP secure?

php is opened, the sensitive data is included from a separate file which is stored at a different location on your web server. There is no sensitive information on your main wp-config. php file which makes it secure.

How do I harden WordPress?

13 Ways to Harden a WordPress Site

  1. Use strong passwords.
  2. Use Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
  3. Limit login attempts.
  4. Set up a WP firewall.
  5. Use a WP security plugin.
  6. Block PHP execution in untrusted folders.
  7. Disable the file editor.
  8. Change security keys.

How to protect WordPress admin with wp-admin pro password protection?

Step 1. Upload “protect-wp-admin-pro” folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Step 2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress. Step 3. Go to Settings “Protect WP-Admin Pro” and configure the plugin settings.

Should I use protect-wp-admin to secure my WordPress website against hackers?

If you run a WordPress website, you should absolutely use «protect-wp-admin» to secure it against hackers. Protect WP-Admin fixes a glaring security hole in the WordPress community: the well-known problem of the admin panel URL.

How to protect your WordPress website from hackers?

WP Protect Admin wordpress plugin will safe your site from hackers and give you extra features like (change existing user name and track user login history log) to make secure your website. If you run a WordPress website, you should absolutely use “protect-wp-admin” to secure it against hackers.

How to protect WordPress admin area from unauthorized access?

Protecting the admin area from unauthorized access allows you to block many common security threats. In this article, we will show you some of the vital tips and hacks to protect your WordPress admin area. 1. Use a Website Application Firewall

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