How do I pass multiple parameters in Web API?

How do I pass multiple parameters in Web API?

Pass Multiple Parameters in URL in Web API

  1. First create a Web API Application. Start Visual Studio 2012.
  2. In the view add some code. In the “Solution Explorer”.
  3. Now return to the “HomeController” Controller and create a new Action Method.
  4. Now create a View as in the following.
  5. Now execute the application.

How do I specify a route in Web API?

Web API uses URI as “DomainName/api/ControllerName/Id” by default where Id is the optional parameter. If we want to change the routing globally, then we have to change routing code in register Method in WebApiConfig. cs under App_Start folder….We can do routing in three types:

  1. Global level.
  2. Controller level.
  3. Action level.

What is attribute routing in Web API C#?

Routing is how Web API matches a URI to an action. Web API 2 supports a new type of routing, called attribute routing. As the name implies, attribute routing uses attributes to define routes. Attribute routing gives you more control over the URIs in your web API.

How do I pass multiple complex types in Web API?

Web API doesn’t allow you to pass multiple complex objects in the method signature of a Web API controller method — you can post only a single value to a Web API action method. This value in turn can even be a complex object.

Why API segment is used in Web API routing?

The reason for using “api” in the route is to avoid collisions between the ASP.NET Web API and MVC routing. So, you can have “/products” go to the MVC controller, and “/api/products” go to the Web API controller.

What makes it different a Web API routing from MVC routing?

If you are familiar with ASP.NET MVC, Web API routing is very similar to MVC routing. The main difference is that Web API uses the HTTP verb, not the URI path, to select the action. You can also use MVC-style routing in Web API.

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