How do I change the SELinux context of a directory?

How do I change the SELinux context of a directory?

To make SELinux context changes that survive a file system relabel:

  1. Run the semanage fcontext -a options file-name|directory-name command, remembering to use the full path to the file or directory.
  2. Run the restorecon -v file-name|directory-name command to apply the context changes.

Which command must you run to ensure that a file has the appropriate SELinux context After moving the file to another location?

To ensure that file has the context that is appropriate for the new file location, you should use restorecon on it.

How do I list all SELinux context?

Most of the Linux commands have the -Z option to display SELinux contexts. For example, ps, ls, cp, and mkdir all use the -Z option to display or set SELinux contexts of a file, directory, process, or port.

How do I set the SELinux context?

To make SELinux context changes that survive a file system relabel:

  1. Run the /usr/sbin/semanage fcontext -a options file-name | directory-name command, remembering to use the full path to the file or directory.
  2. Run the /sbin/restorecon -v file-name | directory-name command to apply the context changes.

What are SELinux labels?

Processes and files are labeled with an SELinux context that contains additional information, such as an SELinux user, role, type, and, optionally, a level. When running SELinux, all of this information is used to make access control decisions.

How do I find the SELinux context of a file?

Following are the SELinux ls command options:

  1. –lcontext : Display security context. Enable -l.
  2. -Z or –context : Display security context so it fits on most displays. Displays only mode, user, group, security context and file name.
  3. –scontext : Display only security context and file name.

How do I copy SELinux context?

To make a copy of a file while preserving its SELinux context use cp command with –preserve=context option.

Which command is used to display a security context on files?

To view security context of a file, use -Z (uppercase Z) option in the ls command as shown below.

How do I manage SELinux?

The procedure to remove and disable SELinux security features is as follows:

  1. Log in to your server.
  2. Check the current SELinux status, run: sestatus.
  3. To disable SELinux on CentOS 7 temporarily, run: sudo setenforce 0.
  4. Edit the /etc/selinux/config file and set the SELINUX to disabled.
  5. Reboot the Linux server.

What are SELinux permissions?

Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a security architecture for Linux® systems that allows administrators to have more control over who can access the system. It was originally developed by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) as a series of patches to the Linux kernel using Linux Security Modules (LSM).

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