How do I add custom fields to BuddyPress?

How do I add custom fields to BuddyPress?


  1. Upload the plugin to your ‘wp-content/plugins’ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. Go to Dashboard > Users > Profile Fields.
  4. Create or Edit a field.
  5. In Field Type select, you can see new field types under the “Custom Fields” group.

How do I create a group in BuddyPress?

Creating a New Group in BuddyPress

  1. From the Groups page on your website, click Create a Group.
  2. Next, fill out the Group name and Group description.
  3. Click Create Group and Continue.
  4. Next, on the Settings tab, select the privacy option you wish to assign for the group and who can invite users to the group.

How do I customize my BuddyPress?

How to Create A Custom BuddyPress Members Directory

  1. Add a new /buddypress/ directory to your theme for custom templates.
  2. Remove unnecessary extras from the members loop.
  3. Add New Location Field to members loop.
  4. Increase avatar size within the member directory.
  5. Customize the member avatars to be circular.

What are BuddyPress groups?

Groups in BuddyPress are gatherings of members, posts, and any other user-generated content. If enabled by the site administrator, any member can create a group in BuddyPress. When a member creates a group, this person automatically becomes the group administrator.

How do I edit a BuddyPress profile?

Once you have BuddyPress active you can edit your profile fields under WordPress Dashboard > Users > Profile Fields.

How do I change my extended profile on BuddyPress?

Edit User Profiles Admin Screen BuddyPress added an “Extended Profile” tab into the Dashboard > Users interface. Just hover over the member’s username and click on the Extended Profiles link to get the xProfiles Admin Screen.

How do I add users to WordPress BuddyPress?

Adding a new user is not related to BuddyPress, but to WordPress. dashboard > groups > select the group > edit > anything to do that is at the bottom of the screen.

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