How did Socrates defend himself against the charge of corrupting the youth?

How did Socrates defend himself against the charge of corrupting the youth?

In Athens, this charge includes not believing in the Athenian gods, worshipping a false god or daimon, and corrupting the youth of Athens. Socrates defends himself by saying he was prophesied to be a wise man by the Oracle of Delphi. Due to the prophecy, he believes his spiritual mission is to question people.

What does corrupting the youth mean?

Corrupt the Youth is a philosophy outreach program that brings philosophy to high school students attending under-resourced schools. Students from underprivileged and impoverished backgrounds often enter college intending to study the familiar to become doctors, lawyers, or engineers.

What is Socrates charged with in the apology?

Plato’s The Apology is an account of the speech Socrates makes at the trial in which he is charged with not recognizing the gods recognized by the state, inventing new deities, and corrupting the youth of Athens. Socrates’ speech, however, is by no means an “apology” in our modern understanding of the word.

What did Socrates say about democracy?

Plato’s Republic presents a critical view of democracy through the narration of Socrates: “foolish leaders of Democracy, which is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequaled alike.” In his work, Plato lists 5 forms of government from best to …

What is the most important question in life according to Socrates?

According to Socrates, it is important that we discover what makes a particular action (e.g., a merciful or just act) the kind of action that it is, because without such knowledge: (a) no one in society will ever do any action that really is merciful or just, only those actions that they think are merciful or just.

What values are most important to Socrates?

Virtue. Socrates strongly believed (unlike modern society) that the cultivation of virtue is the most important pursuit in life. He believed that virtue leads to a good and fulfilling life. The virtuous person is one who does well for society, and is in control of themselves and their desires.

What is the message of Socrates?

Explaining his mission as a philosopher, Socrates reports an oracular message telling him that “No one is wiser than you.” ( Apology 21a) He then proceeds through a series of ironic descriptions of his efforts to disprove the oracle by conversing with notable Athenians who must surely be wiser.

What is good According to Socrates?

According to Socrates’ theory of value, there are two sorts of good: virtue and happiness. Both are unconditional goods.

What were Socrates main ideas?

Philosophy. Socrates believed that philosophy should achieve practical results for the greater well-being of society. He attempted to establish an ethical system based on human reason rather than theological doctrine. Socrates pointed out that human choice was motivated by the desire for happiness.

What was Socrates teaching method?

The Socratic method (also known as method of Elenchus, elenctic method, or Socratic debate) is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions.

Did Socrates corrupt the youth?

Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth of Athens and sentenced to death. Choosing not to flee, he spent his final days in the company of his friends before drinking the executioner’s cup of poisonous hemlock.

How do Socrates define self?

And contrary to the opinion of the masses, one’s true self, according to Socrates, is not to be identified with what we own, with our social status, our reputation, or even with our body. Instead, Socrates famously maintained that our true self is our soul.

What is the self According to John Locke?

John Locke considered personal identity (or the self) to be founded on consciousness (viz. memory), and not on the substance of either the soul or the body. According to Locke, personal identity (the self) “depends on consciousness, not on substance” nor on the soul.

What is self According to Plato?

Plato, at least in many of his dialogues, held that the true self of human beings is the reason or the intellect that constitutes their soul and that is separable from their body.

Where does Socrates say know thyself?

In Plato’s Phaedrus, Socrates uses the maxim ‘know thyself’ as his explanation to Phaedrus to explain why he has no time for the attempts to rationally explain mythology or other far flung topics.

Who were the 7 thinkers?

Seven thinkers and how they grew: Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz; Locke, Berkeley, Hume; Kant (Chapter 6) – Philosophy in History.

Is an unexamined life worth living?

According to Socrates, an unexamined life is not worth living. While some argue for the worthlessness of an unexamined life, others support the superfluity of self critical examination.

What philosophy says about self?

The philosophy of self is the study of the many conditions of identity that make one subject of experience distinct from other experiences. The self is sometimes understood as a unified being essentially connected to consciousness, awareness, and agency.

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