Does cocaine cause fetal tachycardia?

Does cocaine cause fetal tachycardia?

There were no significant differences in the frequency of fetal tachycardia or decelerations. Although accelerations were less frequent in cocaine-exposed fetuses, the difference compared with controls was not statistically significant.

What does FHR Category 1 mean?

Category I : Normal. The fetal heart rate tracing shows ALL of the following: Baseline FHR 110-160 BPM, moderate FHR variability, accelerations may be present or absent, no late or variable decelerations, may have early decelerations. Strongly predictive of normal acid-base status at the time of observation.

What causes marked variability?

Marked variability in FHR patterns may represent an increased sympathetic response in the neonate due to a stressful intrapartum event (e.g. cord compression, meconium) that has not occurred with enough frequency or intensity to cause overt acidemia.

What is true about Category 3 fetal heart tracing?

Category III FHR tracings are abnormal and indicative of hypoxic risk to the fetus and possible acidemia (1, 7). They include either no baseline variability or the presence of recurrent late decelerations, variable decelerations, bradycardia, or a sinusoidal pattern (1).

Is Tachysystole a Category 2 tracing?

Regardless of whether labor is spontaneous or stimu- lated, tachysystole accompanied by Category II or Category III FHR tracing requires evaluation and initiation of appropriate treatment.

What are the two most important characteristics of the FHR?

There are two features that should always be assessed: The baseline fetal heart rate. The presence or absence of decelerations: If present, the relation of the deceleration to the contraction must be determined. It is very important to compare the timing of the contraction to the timing of the deceleration.

What does moderate variability indicate?

In the term fetus, moderate variability is considered normal as it indicates a normally functioning central nervous system. Conditions that alter the integrity of this neuro-cardiac axis, such as hypoxemia, result in loss of heart rate variability.

What is Category 3 tracing?

NICHD Category III (CIII) fetal heart rate tracing (FHR) is defined as having either sinusoidal pattern or absent baseline variability plus recurrent late decelerations, recurrent variable decelerations, or bradycardia.

What do you do for tachysystole?

It is possible that the situation will become more severe very quickly. Treatments for tachysystole and fetal oxygen deprivation include placing the mother in the left lateral position, giving her oxygen, and increasing her IV fluids. Sometimes, additional medications can be given for fetal resuscitation.

What causes fetal tachycardia?

The fetal tachycardia causes include maternal fever, dehydration or anxiety, maternal ketosis, medications like anticholinergic medications, sympathomimetic medications like terbutaline, fetal movement, preterm fetus, maternal thyrotoxicosis and maternal anaemia1.

What happens to the fetal heart rate during a contraction?

Heart rate increases when baby moves. Heart rate increases during contractions. Heart rate returns to normal after baby moves or after a contraction. Your contractions are strong and regular during labor.

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