Does anything happen after heat death?

Does anything happen after heat death? However, once the universe reaches heat death, everything everywhere will be the same temperature. That means nothing interesting will ever happen again. Every star will die, nearly all matter will decay, and eventually all that will be left is a sparse soup of particles and radiation. Is the universe […]

Who is speaking in the poem I too?

Who is speaking in the poem I too? “I, Too” Speaker The speaker of “I, Too” is a black man. In line 2, he refers to himself as the “darker brother.” Taken literally, this suggests that he is part of a family—a family that includes people who are not as dark as he is. In […]

Who can go to the undying lands?

Who can go to the undying lands? The Undying Lands were a realm inhabited by Ainur and Eldar. The area included the continent of Aman and the island of Tol Eressëa. The ocean Belegaer separated the Undying Lands from the western shores of Middle-earth. Only immortals and ring-bearers were allowed to live in this realm. […]

Why do I worry about the future so much?

Why do I worry about the future so much? Generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, is a mental illness. People living with GAD worry much more than other people, and they worry more often than other people. They often worry about many different activities of daily life, such as their home, work, finances, family, health and […]

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