Can Thanos beat Superman Prime million?

Can Thanos beat Superman Prime million?

He would have a decent shot at beating Thanos on a normal day. Superman Prime One Million is stated to be many, many times more powerful than the mainstream Superman. Unless Thanos has one of the reality warping toys he’s prone to getting a hold of like the Infinity Gauntlet or a cosmic cube, Superman would wreck him.

Can Infinity Gauntlet beat Thanos with Superman Prime?

I know superman prime one million is the most powerful version of superman, but Thanos wins this. However, Thanos must have the infinity gauntlet with him. Otherwise, it’s a one sided game for superman. He may defeat Thanos alone, but he is no match to the gauntlet.

Is Superboy Prime stronger than Thanos?

1 Superboy-Prime Throws Planets Around Like They’re Nothing While Superman would lose the amazing powers of the Silver Age, one version of him would still be that strong- Superboy-Prime. There are few who could survive a full-strength punch from him and as hard as Thanos can hit, he has nothing on Superboy-Prime.

Who is stronger Superman or Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet?

While Superman hasn’t used a planet as a weapon, the Man of Steel has shown that he doesn’t need an Infinity Stone-powered gauntlet in order to move planets and moons, as he can do it with his pure strength. …

Who is stronger then Superman Prime?

Can darkseid beat Superman Prime? In the end, Superman manages to come out on top, proving to be the stronger of the two when it comes to brute force and strength. This issue confirms that Superman has the power to defeat Darkseid in battle, given he soaks up some sun beforehand and takes out Darkseid’s Omega Beams.

Who is stronger Superman prime or million?

There are stronger versions of super man like cosmic armored superman and strange visitor superman. He is no where near the strongest character , in marvel there is toaa, living tribunal and thanos. In dc the spectre anti monitor and god of death flash could all beat superman prime 1 million.

Can Superman easily defeat Thanos?

From Superman’s perspective – seeing that he has defeated both Darkseid and Doomsday – the Man of Steel could certainly defeat Thanos after an epic fight, but the fight would have to be on Earth and Thanos would have to not have access to Kryptonite.

Who would win Superman vs Captain?

In the fight between Captain Marvel vs Superman, hand-to-hand combat is Superman’s ultimate advantage, making him the winner. His punch is so powerful, and like Captain Marvel, he has the ability to levitate. Superman’s incredible superpowers are limitless, thanks to the Earth’s yellow sun and his DNA.

Can Superman Prime be beat?

There’s One Answer, You Can’t. Superman One Million Is The Most Powerful Version Of Superman. He Has No Weaknesses.

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