Are employment tribunal records public?

Are employment tribunal records public?

Most hearings in the employment tribunal are held in public, which means that the press and members of the public are free to attend and listen to the evidence heard and the judgments delivered.

Can you watch employment tribunals?

Observing an employment tribunal ET listings are available via You will need to register for a (free) account to access the lists.

Are UK Employment Tribunals public?

An employment tribunal is usually a public hearing, so there might be other people in the room when you go through for the hearing. You should also make sure you can contact anyone else involved in your hearing, like your representative or witnesses.

How long does an employment tribunal decision take?

The listing of the final hearing will be subject to the workload of the Tribunal, the number and complexity of issues to be determined and the availability of witnesses but you could reasonably expect it to take six months to a year to get a hearing date.

What is Rule 50 tribunal?

Rule 50 states that a tribunal may at any stage of the proceedings, on its own initiative or on application, make an order with a view to preventing or restricting the public disclosure of any aspect of those proceedings so far as it considers necessary in the interests of justice.

Who goes first in employment tribunal?

You’ll present your case to the tribunal – someone else can do this for you, for example a lawyer, friend or family member. The respondent will present their case against you. You’ll normally give evidence first, unless your case is about unfair dismissal. You can also call witnesses to give evidence.

What is Rule 21 in employment tribunal?

What is Rule 21 in employment tribunal? Rule 21 of the employment tribunal rules means a judge can consider whether, on the available evidence, they can reach a conclusion on all or part of the claim, typically where a response to the claim has not been received.

What is Rule 29 in employment tribunal?

Under Rule 29 of the Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations 2013 (the ET Rules), an Employment Judge has a wide scope to make Case Management Orders. This includes the power to order that a hearing be postponed.

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