How do you show JList?

How do you show JList?

JList is a component that displays a set of Objects and allows the user to select one or more items . JList inherits JComponent class….Java Swing | JList with examples.

method explanation
getSelectedIndex() returns the index of selected item of the list
getSelectedValue() returns the selected value of the element of the list

What are the different mode that specifies selection mode of JList?

Set Selection Mode for JList SINGLE_SELECTION: This mode specifies that only a single item can be selected at any point of time. SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION: This mode specifies that multiple items can be selected, but they have to be contiguous.

What is a list selection listener?

The List Selection Listener is basically invoked when the selection in the list has changed. These events are generally fired from the objects that implement the ListSelectionModel interface.

How do I add an action listener to Jlist?

You may also want to do it with the Enter key pressed by adding a KeyListener: jlist. addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter(){ public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){ if (e. getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.

What is jlist object in Java?

Java JList. The object of JList class represents a list of text items. The list of text items can be set up so that the user can choose either one item or multiple items. It inherits JComponent class.

How to display a value when an item is selected from jlist?

We can display a value when an item is selected from a JList by implementing MouseListener interface or extending MouseAdapter class and call the getClickCount () method with single-click event ( getClickCount () == 1) of MouseEvent class.

How do you display an array of objects in jlist?

JList is a easy way to display an array of Vectors . JList (E [ ] l) : creates an new list with the elements of the array. Changes the elements of the list to the elements of l . selects the specified object from the list. changes the selection to be the set of indices specified by the given array.

What is listselectiionlistener in Java?

A JList is a subclass of JComponent class that allows the user to choose either a single or multiple selections of items. A JList can generate a ListSelectiionListener interface and it includes one abstract method valueChanged ().

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