What is choreographic intent in dance?

What is choreographic intent in dance?

Choreographic intention The aim of the dance; what the choreographer aims to communicate.

What is dance intent?

When you dance with intention, you are dancing and leading with a focus and a purpose. Your intent (or lead) is made clear to both your partner and those around you. For leaders, dancing with intention means focusing on the desired outcome of your lead to create movement in your partner.

How do you write a choreographic intent?


  1. Outline the name of the work, its intention, and the purpose in one or two sentences.
  2. Include two to four influences on the work and explain their significance/
  3. Provide examples of specific movements/dance elements in the work that convey the intention, theme and meaning of the piece.

What is artistic intent in dance?

artistic intent the purpose, main idea, and expressive or communicative goals(s) of a dance composition. study, work, or performance.

What is a stimulus dance?

Dance choreography must have a starting point. “A stimulus can be defined as something that arouses the mind, or spirits, or. incites activity”

What is the choreographic intention of within her eyes?

Intention behind “Within Her Eyes” was create a dance film that maintained the emotional intensity and visceral energy of the live stage performance of “There We Have Been” and to portray an abstract tragic love story that is open for interpretation. Female dancer is constantly reaching, wrapping, balancing and falling …

Why is intent important in dance?

Intention is a very important part of dance interpretation and performance. Particularly when it comes to contact work in partners or groups: the STDT dancers have learned to work together so cohesively that they can perform fantastically daring and dynamic lifts, throws, catches and group movements seamlessly.

What is dance stimulus?

Dance choreography must have a starting point. “A stimulus can be defined as something that arouses the mind, or spirits, or. incites activity” (J. Smith – ‘Dance Composition’ 1985)

What is the choreographic process?

The choreographic process may be divided for analytical purposes (the divisions are never distinct in practice) into three phases: gathering together the movement material, developing movements into dance phrases, and creating the final structure of the work.

What are the examples of choreographic forms in dance?

Choreographic Forms Structures that a choreographer uses in the creation of a dance such as AB, ABA, rondo, canon, theme and variation, call and response, and narrative.

What is a choreographic principle?

The principles of organization of dance are the basic ingredients that comprise determine the choreography of a dance, or the physical form through which a dancer’s idea might be expressed. The principles of organization help the choreographer decide who, what, when, where, and why.

What are choreographic intentions?

Choreographic Intentions Students will create a dance based on an original theme or idea. They will present the dance to the class. Students will explain the artistic intention behind their dances and how movement choices were informed by the intent.

What is designdance choreography and performance?

Dance Choreography and Performance is a Level 3 course in which students learn the principles of composition and use these to choreograph a group and solo piece for external assessment Critical analysis of the works of others and reflection on the learners own work form the basis for the theory component and for external assessment.

What is the purpose of choreography?

Not just for dance, choreography is used for Ice skating, cheerleading and synchronised swimming (among other forms of performing arts). Nowadays it is mostly linked to the art of Dance (which is also the purpose for this blog) What does intent mean?:

What does intent mean in dance?

Intent is defined as an aim or purpose of a certain action or thought. Now what does Choreographic Intent mean? It defines as the Choreographers intent to make the audience obtain a certain emotion, feeling or thought through the dancers movements. Loading…

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