What would you do if fun questions?

What would you do if fun questions?

Our list of “What If?” questions provides not just a wide variety of fun, but also serious questions for any occasion.

  1. What if you could live for 200 years?
  2. What if you could stop time whenever you wanted to?
  3. What if you could be any animal?
  4. What if you could change one thing about your past?

What are some questions about cartoons?

Classic Cartoon Trivia

  • What is Ned Flanders’s wife’s name in the Simpsons?
  • When the Tasmanian Devil made his debut, who starred in the cartoon?
  • What is the real identity of the Riddler in the Batman comics?
  • The Flintstones is one of the most popular cartoons in history, but which period is the series based?

What would I do questions?

Hypothetical question list

  • If you were a transformer, what vehicle would you turn into?
  • What laws would you abolish if you could?
  • If extra lives were a thing in the real world, how would you get them?
  • If you were a food, what food would you be?
  • What animal would be way better if it was covered in scales?

What’s an icebreaker question?

What are icebreaker questions? Icebreaker questions are thought-provoking questions you can use to encourage people to talk, so you can get to know them better. These questions can be used in most work or social situations where a fun, light-hearted conversation is appropriate.

What if I questions to ask a boy?

Questions to Ask a Guy

  • What’s your all-time favorite movie that you’ve seen a million times?
  • What did you want your job to be when you were a kid?
  • If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world and money wasn’t an issue, where would you go?
  • What would you do if you won the lottery?

Which yellow bird can never believe its own eyes *?

Get it sent to your inbox. Hummingbirds were already impressive. They move like hurried insects, turn on aerial dimes and extract nectar from flowers with almost surgical precision. But they conceal another talent, too: seeing colors that human eyes can’t perceive.

Do what if questions work?

What if questions work well not just as icebreakers, but also conversation starters. They also work well with almost any age or group size. You can even create your own “What If?” questions. In addition, you can think about problems, challenges, and serious/humorous results. Get started and have fun!

Are there any easy cartoon trivia questions?

However, there are easy trivia questions too, which are meant to act as quick icebreakers or something to prep you for the hard ones. Pick one of these and don’t worry about the questions themselves, bet you know that answers to most of them. Here are 4 easy cartoon trivia: 11. What’s the name of the green ninja on “Lego Ninjago”?

Why should you ask questions in a conversation?

They can be used to get to know another person, but honestly, these aren’t really those types of questions. These are the type of questions that will spark some creativity in you and your peers, and they will force you to think outside of the box. What could be more fun? Some might seem weird, some might not go down as well as you’d hoped.

Is it bad to ask too many what if questions?

Use What If Questions Sparingly Sure, what if questions are a ton of fun, and that’s exactly why you don’t want to overdo them. After all, too much of anything can get old, and you don’t want to become known as the guy who constantly asks “what if…”

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