Can high blood pressure cause muscle aches?

Can high blood pressure cause muscle aches?

High blood pressure is often present without a known cause. Body aches, joint aches, and fatigue are symptoms that can accompany many different illnesses.

Can high blood pressure affect your muscles?

Over time, the strain on the heart caused by high blood pressure can cause the heart muscle to weaken and work less efficiently.

Can high blood pressure cause pain in arms and legs?

PAD is like CAD, but it affects blood vessels farther from your heart, like those in your arms, legs, head, or stomach. You might have pain or cramps in your legs, often when you walk or climb stairs.

Can high blood pressure cause muscle spasms?

High blood pressure and high cholesterol are the most common causes of these spasms. Approximately 2 percent of people with angina, or chest pain and pressure, experience coronary artery spasms. Coronary artery spasms can also occur in people who have atherosclerosis.

Why are my muscles sore to touch?

A little soreness or discomfort means that the muscle has been stressed, but if the muscle is exercised too much, the muscle can become very sore to move and touch and may even swell. In severe cases, the muscle may be damaged to the point that the muscle starts to develop permanent damage.

Can high blood pressure make your legs hurt?

High blood pressure can seriously affect the circulation causing pain in the legs with walking, cold feet, and stroke.

When should I be worried about muscle pain?

Schedule an office visit if you have: Signs of infection, such as redness and swelling, around a sore muscle. Muscle pain after you start taking or increase the dosage of a medication — (particularly statins — medications used to control cholesterol. Muscle pain that doesn’t improve with self-care.

Can tight back muscles cause high blood pressure?

Continued contraction of the skeletal musculature can produce chronic constriction of the arterioles, resulting in consistent high blood pressure.

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