What uniform does civil patrol wear?

What uniform does civil patrol wear?

Because uniforms are unique — only CAP cadets wear the CAP cadet uniform — they are a source of pride. Wearing the uniform is part of your leadership training. The uniform helps you develop self-discipline, personal responsibility, and self-respect.

Which uniform is considered the everyday uniform for CAP business?

1.2. 3. Minimum Corporate-style Uniform: The minimum basic CAP Corporate-style uniform is the Aviator Shirt Uniform with short sleeve shirt or blouse as appropriate.

Can you have dyed hair in Civil Air Patrol?

Hair Styles: Hair should be clean, well groomed, neat, and without an excessive amount of grooming aids. Dyed hair should look natural. Hair must not touch the eyebrows when groomed or protrude below the front band of properly worn men’s head gear. Hair may be visible in front of the women’s flight cap.

What does a Civil Air Patrol uniform look like?

Uniform items are to be kept zipped, snapped, or buttoned. Shoes are to be shined and in good repair. Services Uniforms include the service dress uniform, long-sleeve light blue blouse/shirt, and short-sleeve light blue blouse/shirt. These uniforms are authorized for year-round wear.

Should I join the Civil Air Patrol?

Answer: The Civil Air Patrol has a senior member (adults) program for those at least 18 years of age. If you are 18 but not yet 19, you can join as a cadet and remain a cadet until age 21.

What is the motto of Civil Air Patrol?

The Civil Air Patrol motto, to which all members ascribe, is “Semper Vigilans”, Latin for “Always Vigilant”. All CAP members are also obligated by their service to the organization to abide by its core values: integrity, respect, excellence, and volunteer service.

What is a Civil Air Patrol?

Civil Air Patrol. The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is a congressionally chartered, federally supported non-profit corporation that serves as the official civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force (USAF).

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