What is a DO rated order?

What is a DO rated order?

What is a rated order? A rated order is a contract or order placed in support of a national defense program, pursuant to section 101(a) of the DPA. A rated order takes precedence over all unrated orders, when necessary to meet delivery dates specified in the rated order.

What does DPAS rating mean?

Whenever a DPAS rating appears in the DPAS Rating Field on your Purchase Order, it means that it is a rated order certified for national defense, emergency preparedness, and energy program use, and you are required to follow all the requirements of the Defense Priorities and Allocations System regulation (15 CFR part …

What is a do A7 rating?

Among rated orders, DX rated orders take preference over DO rated orders. Program identification symbols indicate which approved program is involved with the rated order. For example, Al identifies defense aircraft programs and A7 signifies defense electronic programs.

What is the highest DPAS rating?

DoD uses two priority ratings: DX and DO. DX rated programs and their orders are of the highest national defense urgency and are approved by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) or Deputy Secretary of Defense (DEPSECDEF). DO rated orders are of lower priority than DX-rated orders but take precedence over unrated orders.

What does do-A1 rating mean?

A DX rating takes priority over a DO rating which takes priority over an unrated order. Rated programs are also given a program identifier symbol. Examples are A1 for Aircraft and A3 for ships. The program identifier symbol does not, by itself, indicate any priority.

Do-A1 rated order?

If a company receives a rated order on a contract for the production of an aircraft, the order will will contain a DO-A1 or DX-A1 priority rating. Rated orders are required to have a delivery date or dates. The words “immediately” or “as soon as possible” do not constitute a delivery date.

Who has the authority to invoke or change priority ratings?

The DOC has delegated the authority to place priority ratings on contracts/orders (rated orders) necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense, in accordance with the DPAS regulation (15 CFR Part 700) to: Department of Defense (DOD) Department of Energy (DOE) Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

What is DPAS do c9?

Defense Priorities & Allocations System (DPAS) The purpose of DPAS is to assure the timely availability of industrial resources to meet current national defense and emergency preparedness program requirements and to provide an operating system to support rapid industrial response in a national emergency.

What does A1 mean?

For example, A1 identifies defense aircraft programs and A7 signifies defense electronic programs. Thus, a contract for the production of an aircraft will contain a DO-A1 or DX-A1 priority rating. A contract for a radar set will contain a DO-A7 or DX-A7 priority rating.

Do A1 rated?

Who has the authority to invoke or change priority ratings DPAS?

The Department of Commerce is delegated authority, through Executive Order 13603, to implement these priorities and allocations provisions for industrial resources. The Bureau of Industry and Security administers this authority through the DPAS regulation (15 CFR Part 700).

Do I have to accept a DPAS order?

Once a company has identified that it has received a rated order, the company must either accept or reject the order and provide customer notification according to the instructions provided in the DPAS regulation (15 CFR § 700.13).

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