How do I turn off security mode?

How do I turn off security mode?

How to Disable mod_security in Apache

  1. Open . htaccess file. .
  2. Disable mod_security in . htaccess. Add the following code to your .
  3. Restart Apache web server. Restart Apache web server to apply changes.
  4. Log into cPanel. Log into cPanel and go to Security section.
  5. Disable mod_security in cPanel. Click mod_security icon.

Should I disable mod_security?

We will not recommend to disable Mod-Security on your account. Mod_security module helps to protect your website from various attacks. If mod-security is disabled on your account, your website will be at risk from vulnerabilities.

How do I turn off Modecurity in cPanel?

Disable ModSecurity for Individual Domains

  1. Log into cPanel.
  2. Choose ModSecurity listed under Security.
  3. Select the domain you are working with and switch ModSecurity from On to Off.
  4. Wait for the pop-up telling you that ModSecurity has been disabled.
  5. Troubleshoot the issue that you are having.

What is mod_security in cPanel?

ModSecurity is a web application firewall. It monitors incoming web traffic for threats in real-time, blocking malicious connections before they reach applications.

How do you check mod_security is enabled or not?

Try having your script make a request to itself (via file_get_contents or maybe the cURL extension) that would trip mod_security. If it returns a 403 (or whatever mod_security’s default response is), that should be enough information for you to go on…

How do I enable Modecurity in WHM?

Setting OWASP ModSecurity rule

  1. Log in to WHM.
  2. Install mod_security module.
  3. Navigate to ModSecurity Vendors interface (Home>>Security Center>> ModSecurity™ Vendors).
  4. Install OWASP rule set.
  5. To view the logged notifications and blocked traffic from these rules, navigate to.

How do I disable Modecurity in WHM?

Is mod_security enabled?

Mod_security is an apache module that helps to protect your website from various attacks. It is used to block commonly known exploits by use of regular expressions and rule sets and is enabled on all InMotion web hosting plans.

Do you need ModSecurity?

For ecommerce purposes, ModSecurity is an essential piece of PCI DSS compliance, helping satisfy Requirement 6.6 by helping shield your site against external threats. Therefore, we strongly advise against disabling or uninstalling the module.

How do I disable Modecurity rules?

You can turn off ModSecurity rules based on IP. Get your public IP by using You can find this configuration file in: /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity. conf for Apache or /etc/nginx/modsec/modsecurity.

What is mod_security error?

Following is a screenshot of the mod_security error on a website. Image credit: The error simply states that you do not have permission to access the server or that your hosting company is blocking some kind of requests to their servers.

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