Which word is similar to anarchist?

Which word is similar to anarchist?


  • agitator.
  • revolutionary.
  • terrorist.
  • insurgent.
  • insurrectionist.
  • malcontent.
  • mutineer.
  • nihilist.

What is the opposite word for anarchist?

What is the opposite of anarchist?

counter-revolutionary law-abiding
loyalist moderate
reactionary obedient

What is the word anarchist mean?

Full Definition of anarchist 1 : a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power. 2 : a person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy especially : one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order.

What is the root word in anarchist?

anarchism Add to list Share. Anarchism is a political philosophy that opposes hierarchies — systems in which one powerful person is in charge — and favors equality between all people. The Greek root word is anarkhia, “lack of a leader,” or “the state of no government.”

What is the metaphor of anarchy?

a state of society without government or law. political and social disorder due to the absence of governmental control: The death of the king was followed by a year of anarchy.

What are examples of anarchy?

Active societies

Society Since Ideology
Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo Flores Magón” 1980 Indigenismo, Magonism
Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities 1994 (January 1) Neozapatismo
Barcelona’s Squatters Movement 2000 Anarchism, Autonomism
Dignity Village 2000 (December) Anarchism

What is the suffix of the word anarchist?

The etymological origin of anarchism is from the Ancient Greek anarkhia, meaning “without a ruler”, composed of the prefix an- (“without”) and the word arkhos (“leader” or “ruler”). The suffix -ism denotes the ideological current that favours anarchy.

What is the suffix of the word anarchy?

Origin of anarchy First recorded in 1530–40; from Middle French anarchie or Medieval Latin anarchia or directly from Greek anarchía “lawlessness,” literally, “lack of a leader,” equivalent to ánarch(os) “leaderless” (an- “without, lacking” + arch(ós) “leader” + -os adjective suffix) + -ia noun suffix; see an-1, -y3.

What type of word is anarchy?

What is meant by anarchist?

Definition of anarchist. 1: a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power. 2: a person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy; especially: one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order.

What is the root word of anarchist?

The root word of anarchy is archy. It is a Greek word “arkhi” which means ruler, authority or leader. Combined with “a” which means not or without.

What is another word for anarchist?

Synonyms for Anarchist: n. Other synonyms: • revolutionary, unperson, campaigner, dissident, guerrilla, marcher, protester, subversive, pacifist, destroyer, terrorist, rebel, insurgent, mutineer, militant, counterrevolutionary, activist, lobbyist.

What is the opposite of an anarchist?

Related Questions More Answers Below. Probably a monarchist or fascist. The opposite to an anarchist would be someone who favours a corporate-run state headed by an absolute monarch .

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