Which hacker try to distribute political or social message through their work?

Which hacker try to distribute political or social message through their work?

Hacktivism is the act of misusing a computer system or network for a socially or politically motivated reason. Individuals who perform hacktivism are known as hacktivists.

Is anonymous free speech protected?

Since then, the Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that anonymous speech is protected by the First Amendment. In today’s cancel culture, this protection of namelessness or using a pseudonym against the tyranny of the majority is as important as ever.

Why does the First Amendment protect anonymous speech?

Speakers and writers seek anonymity as protection against prosecution, harassment, abuse, and invasions of their privacy.

Can interviews be anonymous?

Anonymity means that there is no way for anyone (including the researcher) to personally identify participants in the study. This also means that any study conducted face-to-face or over the phone cannot be considered anonymous; this rules out virtually all qualitative research that involves interviews.

How did Anonymous take down the Australian Prime Minister’s website?

Early in the evening of September 9, Anonymous took down the prime minister’s website with a distributed denial-of-service attack. The site was taken offline for approximately one hour. Message To The Australian Government From Anonymous, directed at Kevin Rudd and Seven News hours before Operation Titstorm began.

Who are anonymous?

“The Passion of ‘Anonymous’: A shadowy, loose-knit consortium of activists and hackers called ‘Anonymous’ is just the latest thorn in Scientology’s side”. Newsweek. Newsweek, Inc. Technology: Newsweek Web Exclusive.

Did anonymous announce Operation Hong Kong?

Anonymous posted a video warning on News2Share to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on October 1 announcing the engagement of Operation Hong Kong, condemning the government’s police ‘s use of force in the ongoing protests.

What did anonymous do in 2012?

On August 13, 2012, Anonymous hacked two Uganda government websites to protest the country’s strict anti-gay laws. In mid-September 2012, Anonymous hackers threatened the Hong Kong government organization, known as National Education Centre.


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