Which country code is 00393?

Which country code is 00393?

The country code for calling Italy from abroad is 39….Telephone numbers in Italy.

Country calling code +39
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix None
List of Italy dialing codes

How do I dial a number in Italy?

Italy/Dialing codes

How do I dial to Sicily?

To call Sicily from the United States, dial the international prefix, tel. 011; then Italy’s country code, 39; and then the area code (for example, 091 for Palermo or 095 for Catania), which is now built into every number. Then dial the actual phone number.

What country is 33 area code?

For international calling codes, most countries have two-digit country codes. For instance, France’s country code is 33, and the United Kingdom’s country code is 44.

How do I call Italy from Pakistan?

To call Italy from Pakistan, dial: 00 – 39 – Area Code – Land Phone Number 00 – 39 – 10 Digit Mobile Number.

How do Italian phone numbers work?

Italian mobile numbers always begin with a 3 (for example 338 123 4567, 347 123 4567). When you dial a mobile number from abroad you do not add a leading zero to it. In other words, you dial: 011 39 338 123 4567.

What does +33 mean on a phone number?

France’s country code is +33.

What is a +33 number?

+33 is the code for international direct-dial phone calls to France.

How many digit is Italian number?

All Italian residential (fixed) telephone numbers start with a “0”, and have between 8 and 11 digits (area code+number). Cell (mobile) phone numbers have three digit prefix, all starting with a “3”, and a 6 or 7 digit phone number.

What does +44 mean in a phone number?

+44 is the international dialing code for the United Kingdom. Using +44 at the start of a British number allows you to call this number from outside of the UK.

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