Where do students go out in Berlin?

Where do students go out in Berlin?

Berlin has a few districts that are well-known for their party scenes. The Mitte district in the Centre used to be the wild area in the 90s. Today it’s got a bit of everything for all party goers. The trendy Prenzlauer Berg in East Belin has the Eberswalder Strasse and the Schönhaused Allee neighbourhood.

What is Berlin nightlife like?

The German city has an unpretentious nightlife scene and more affordable drinks and cover fees than many other cities, so visitors can enjoy after dark outings more often. Many words can describe the club scene in Berlin, such as underground, avant-garde, and progressive.

How should I dress for Berghain?

Dark clothing is the traditional style for Berghain club-goers, especially black. Wear an outfit that is comfortable to wear in these colors that exemplifies your own personal style. If you love denim jackets, for example, you could pair a denim jacket with a black t-shirt and your favorite dark-colored shirt or pants.

Why is it so hard to get into clubs in Berlin?

While there are certain things that will help you get into the club, the one reason why Berghain is so hard to get into is the culture surrounding it. Located in a former East German power station, Berghain is infamous for its world-class techno, hedonistic spirit, and now, its high-end club culture.

Why does everyone wear black in Berlin?

Berlin’s street style is best described as fashionable without being fancy, and black is the shade that does the job best. Black is sexy and grungy and fits with the atmosphere of any party, fashion or art event.

Can I wear heels in Berlin?

Wearing heels will get you turned away at clubs In Berlin, it is the opposite. Unless you are heading to Mitte or a fancy club in West Berlin, leave your heels at home. Especially in East Berlin, you will be the only one wearing heels and people will immediately know you are a tourist.

Can you smoke in Berlin clubs?

No Smoking Law Update At the end of July 2008 the German Federal Constitutional Court upheld complaints against some parts of the smoking bans in the city-state of Berlin and Baden-Wuerttemberg. Smoking will now be allowed in one-room bars and clubs smaller than 75 sq meters where no food is served.

Can girls get into Berghain?

Despite the fact that most clubs seek out groups of girls, Berghain is actually the opposite. If you and your girl squad roll up together you’re not going to be welcome with open arms. Try breaking into smaller groups, no more than two or three, and then you might just get in.

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