What should I read after the Odyssey and the Iliad?

What should I read after the Odyssey and the Iliad?

1 The Iliad by Homer.

  • 2 The Odyssey by Homer and translated by Emily Wilson.
  • 3 The Aeneid (Robert Fitzgerald translation) by Virgil.
  • 4 Posthomerica by Arthur Sanders Way (translator) & Quintus Smyrnaeus.
  • 5 The Tale of Troy by Roger Lancelyn Green.
  • What should I read after the Odyssey?

    Read the Odyssey first, and then read the Iliad. The Aeneid is either a homage or a fanfic or a satire of both the above. If you are more into Greek material then Roman material, you should read the Argonautica. Depends on what you have read.

    How are the Iliad and the Odyssey similar?

    The Iliad and The Odyssey have the same elements in their structure and shape: each epic poem consists of 24 books and is written in dactylic hexameter with the use of the same literary devices. Their plots also have similar traits: a ring-form composition and numerous divine interventions.

    Is the Aeneid the same as the Iliad?

    In both texts, it is clear from the beginning that the role of the gods is to make Aeneas and Achilles fulfill their journey The Iliad focuses on the end of the Trojan War and the damaging power, while the Aeneid is focused during the aftermath of the war and underlies the foundation for the new civilization.

    Is there a book before Iliad?

    Before the Iliad I would suggest: Theogony – This was written by Hesiod , a Greek poet active in the 7th/8th century BCE. This cool poem breaks down the origins and genealogies of the Greek gods.

    Which book should I read first the Iliad or the Odyssey?

    The Iliad is the earlier work (it was written first) [1]. Also the events in the Odyssey are a direct consequence of what happens in the Iliad and the reader of the Odyssey is assumed to know the summary of the plot in the Iliad and who the main characters are. So it would come natural to read the Iliad first.

    What is similar to Odyssey?

    Top 10 Alternatives to Odyssey

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    What book is after the Iliad?

    The Odyssey
    Homer’s sequel to The Iliad, The Odyssey, tells of Odysseus’ ten-year journey to return to Ithaca after he’s fought in the Trojan War. Virgil offered his version of The Iliad and The Odyssey in his epic tale, The Aeneid, which is the story of Aeneas, the ancestor to the Romans.

    Is Iliad and Odyssey different books?

    The Iliad is an ancient Greek epic poem in dactylic hexameter, traditionally attributed to Homer. The Odyssey is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer. It is, in part, a sequel to the Iliad, the other work ascribed to Homer.

    Is the Iliad and the Odyssey the same book?

    In the simplest terms, The Odyssey is considered a sort of sequel to The Iliad. Both epics consist of 24 books and revolve around a specific time during a much larger event. Clearly, the Trojan War, and everything leading up to it, was a much larger story than the events contained in The Iliad.

    Which book should I read first the Iliad or The Odyssey?

    How is Aeneas similar to Odysseus?

    The characters Odysseus and Aeneas are both royalty, Odysseus being the king of Ithaca and Aeneas a Trojan prince. Without the help of divine intervention though, neither hero would have met his destiny, though there were opposing gods who wanted to delay and provide hardship for the heroes along the journey.

    Is the Odyssey a sequel to the Iliad?

    The Odyssey (/ˈɒdəsi/; Greek: ὈΔΎΣΣΕΙΑ Odýsseia, pronounced [o.dýs.sej.ja] in Classical Attic) is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer. It is, in part, a sequel to the Iliad, the other work ascribed to Homer.

    Who is the author of the Iliad and Odyssey?

    He is the reputed author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, the two epic poems that are the foundational works of ancient Greek literature. He is regarded as one of the greatest and most influential authors of all time. The Iliad is set during the Trojan War, the ten-year siege of the city of Troy by a coalition of Mycenaean Greek kingdoms.

    How many books are there in the Odyssey?

    The Odyssey ( / ˈɒdəsi /; Greek: Ὀδύσσεια, Odýsseia, Attic Greek: [o.dýs.sej.ja]) is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer. It is one of the oldest extant works of literature still read by contemporary audiences. As with the Iliad, the poem is divided into 24 books.

    How many books are in the Iliad?

    It is one of the oldest extant works of literature still read by contemporary audiences. As with the Iliad, the poem is divided into 24 books. It follows the Greek hero Odysseus, king of Ithaca, and his journey home after the Trojan War.

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