What products have Ephedra?

What products have Ephedra?

Common ephedra-containing products include Ripped Fuel, Diet Fuel, Metabolift and Thermo Speed. Ephedra alkaloids are powerful stimulants that stimulate the heart, cause blood vessels to constrict, dilate the airways and increase heart rate. Ephedra is also known as Ma Huang, “Mormon tea” and “Squaw tea”.

Does Ephedra nevadensis contain ephedrine?

Also, Mormon tea is brewed from Ephedra nevadensis, which does not contain ephedrine.

What is the active ingredient in ephedra?

Introduction to ephedra and ephedrine alkaloids The active compounds in the plant’s stem (about 1.32% by weight) are the phenylalanine-derived alkaloids ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine (norephedrine), and cathine (norpseudoephedrine) [3,4].

What plants produce ephedrine?

Ephedrine, a precursor of methamphetamine, is the active alkaloid of the plant Ephedra vulgaris, which has been used in China for centuries as the herb Ma Huang.

Does Mormon tea have Ephedra?

Mormon tea is made from a plant, Ephedra nevadensis. The dried branches are boiled in water to make the tea. People use it as a beverage and as a medicine. Be careful not to confuse Mormon tea (Ephedra nevadensis) with ephedra (Ephedra sinica and other ephedra species).

How do you grow ephedra Nevadensis?

The Ephedra is robust and doesn’t need much attention. Plant the seeds around 68°F. Grow indoors or in a warm and dry climate, free of frost. It thrives in ordinary loamy soil and does very well in a loose rocky soil with full sun and a little water.

Is there ephedra in Mormon tea?

Mormon tea is made from a plant, Ephedra nevadensis. The dried branches are boiled in water to make the tea. Be careful not to confuse Mormon tea (Ephedra nevadensis) with ephedra (Ephedra sinica and other ephedra species). Unlike these other plants, Mormon tea does not contain ephedrine, an unsafe stimulant.

What is the family of Ephedra?


What is the biological source of Ephedra?

It is a shrub belongs to the Ephedraceae family. The order is Ephedrales. It is also known as joint pine , joint fir, Mormon tea or Brigham tea.

What is the family of ephedra?

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