What is the psychrometric equation?

What is the psychrometric equation?

(Also known as hygrometric formula.) The semi-empirical relation giving the vapor pressure in terms of the barometer and psychrometer readings.

How is psychrometric chart calculated?

Take a ruler and draw a vertical line at the dry bulb temperature of 70 and draw a horizontal line where the dew point is 50. The point where these two lines intersect is known as a ‘state point’. Plot the state point and you can also read the rel- ative humidity, wet bulb, enthalpy, vapor pressure and humidity ratio.

What is a psychrometric calculator?

A psychrometric calculator is an engineering device used to calculate the properties of a gas-vapor mixture, and most often is employed to analyze water vapor in surrounding air.

What is psychrometric analysis?

A psychrometric analysis involves using a psychrometric chart, as seen in Figure 1, to determine the dry bulb (°F), wet bulb (°F), dew point (°F), RH (%), humidity ratio (gr/lb), and enthalpy (btu/lb) of air at a given condition.

What is DBT and WBT?

Knowing both the dry-bulb temperature (DBT) and wet-bulb temperature (WBT), one can determine the relative humidity (RH) from the psychrometric chart appropriate to the air pressure.

What does psychrometer mean in science terms?

psychrometer, a hygrometer composed of two similar thermometers. The bulb of one thermometer is kept wet (by means of a thin, wet cloth wick) so that the cooling that results from evaporation makes it register a lower temperature than the dry-bulb thermometer.

What is the formula for dew point?

The dew-point temperature ( ) of a sample of air with vapor pressure is the temperature to which it must be cooled to become saturated, i.e. it is defined by the equation e = e s ( T d ) .

What is psychrometric cycle?

Psychrometrics can be used to predict changes in the environment when the amount of heat and/or moisture in the air changes. Use of psychrometric analysis is also important to determine the volume flow rates of air to be pushed into the ducting system and the sizing of the major system components.

Who created psychrometric chart?

Willis Carrier is known as the Father of Air Conditioning. He also invented the psychrometric chart. It was a result of his research studying the effects of heat and humidity on heat and cooling comfort.

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