What is the most searched thing on Wikipedia?

What is the most searched thing on Wikipedia?

Most Popular Wikipedia Articles of the Week (January 23 to 29, 2022)

Rank Article Views
1 Ashleigh Barty 942,625
2 Deaths in 2022 899,986
3 Euphoria (American TV series) 883,085
4 Ozark (TV series) 853,000

What is the most searched thing on Wikipedia 2020?

Most Popular Wikipedia Articles of the Week (February 9 to 15, 2020)

Rank Article Views
1 Parasite (2019 film) 5,196,541
2 92nd Academy Awards 2,211,751
3 2019–20 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak 1,769,680
4 Joaquin Phoenix 1,602,528

Who has the most Wikipedia page?

Steven Pruitt (born April 17, 1984) is an American Wikipedia editor with the highest number of edits made on the English Wikipedia: over 4.26 million. He has also created more than 35,001 Wikipedia articles….

Steven Pruitt
Known for Most edits on the English Wikipedia
Relatives Peter Francisco (sixth-great grandfather)

Is Wikipedia the most popular wiki?

The online encyclopedia project, Wikipedia, is the most popular wiki-based website, and is one of the most widely viewed sites in the world, having been ranked in the top twenty since 2007.

What is the most popular and most used wiki?

The ten most visited Wikipedia pages in all five months are: 1) “Main page”, 2) “Wikipedia”, 3) “Wiki”, 4) “United States”, 5) “WII”, 6) “World War II”, 7) “Sex”, 8) “Naruto”, 9) “List of sex positions”, 10) “PlayStation 3”.

WHO updates Wikipedia so quickly?

This means that all Wikipedia members can edit an article. As a result it gets updated very fast because approximately 31,656,945 users who are on the English version of Wikipedia can update an article if it needs updating.

Who invented Wikipedia?

Larry Sanger, the man who co-founded Wikipedia, has cautioned that the website can’t always be trusted to give people the truth. He said it can give a “reliably establishment point of view on pretty much everything.”

What is the most visited website?

Perhaps not surprisingly, the most visited site in 2020 was Google….By Comparison, here are the Top 10 sites for 2020:

  • Google.com.
  • Facebook.com.
  • Microsoft.com.
  • Apple.com.
  • Netflix.com.
  • Amazon.com.
  • TikTok.com.
  • YouTube.com.

What is the best free wiki?

Best 11 Open-source Free Wiki Engines for teams and enterprise in 2022

  • 1- Wiki.JS.
  • 2- BookStack App.
  • 4- TWiki.
  • 4- XWiki.
  • 5- DokuWiki.
  • 6- TikiWiki CMS.
  • 7- PmWiki.
  • 8- TiddlyWiki.

How do I host my own wiki?

First, you’ll need a place to host your wiki. You can use an onsite server that your company already owns, or you can rent online server space. There are some cloud services such as A2 Hosting, HostGator and Bluehost that are optimized for running wiki software.

What was the most popular page on Wikipedia in October 2001?

Wikipedia:Most popular pages October 2001, however, states that the Main page had existed and led by wide margin already in October 2001. It is not known which pages had led the ranking during Wikipedia’s first months, although by the end of the first month (January 31, 2001) the most viewed page was Usenet cabal.

What are the most viewed pages on Wikipedia?

The most viewed pages of Wikipedia before 2007 remain unknown, though the multiyear ranking of most viewed pages gives views for top 100 pages since 2007. Typically, the most visited page on a single day is the Main Page. From 21 July to 16 August 2016, the page averaged 58,900,479 views per day, far more views than any other page.

What is the Merriam-Webster word of the Year for 2006?

In 2006, Merriam-Webster received a lot of publicity as ‘truthiness’, a word coined by Stephen Colbert on The Colbert Report, topped the list. When the Word of the Year was started in 2003, Merriam-Webster determined which words would appear on the list by analyzing page hits and popular searches to its website.

Why is South Korea top of Wikipedia’s most viewed list?

There is quite some renewal this week, led by South Korea managing to take the top slot. The Korean cultural ascent that led to many Western fans of the local pop music and TV shows finally leads to an article atop Wikipedia’s most viewed, a Netflix show about a man down on his luck who joins a mysterious survival game.

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