What is the exact value of cos 330?

What is the exact value of cos 330?

For cos 330 degrees, the angle 330° lies between 270° and 360° (Fourth Quadrant). Since cosine function is positive in the fourth quadrant, thus cos 330° value = √3/2 or 0.8660254. . .

How do you solve COS 300?

The value of cos 300° is equal to the x-coordinate (0.5). ∴ cos 300° = 0.5.

What is the value of sin 330 degrees in fraction?

Sin 330 degrees is the value of sine trigonometric function for an angle equal to 330 degrees. The value of sin 330° is -(1/2) or -0.5.

What is the reference angle of 330 degrees?

Since 330 is thirty less than 360, and since 360° = 0°, then the angle 330° is thirty degrees below (that is, short of) the positive x-axis, in the fourth quadrant. So its reference angle is 30°.

How do you solve tan 330?

For tan 330 degrees, the angle 330° lies between 270° and 360° (Fourth Quadrant). Since tangent function is negative in the fourth quadrant, thus tan 330° value = -1/√3 or -0.5773502. . .

What is the formula of 2 cos a sin B?

The identities 2 sinA cosB = sin(A + B) + sin(A − B)

How do you find the exact value of cos 315?

The value of cos 315 degrees can be calculated by constructing an angle of 315° with the x-axis, and then finding the coordinates of the corresponding point (0.7071, -0.7071) on the unit circle. The value of cos 315° is equal to the x-coordinate (0.7071). ∴ cos 315° = 0.7071.

How do you find sin 330 without a calculator?

The easiest way to go about doing this (with the least work possible) is to subtract a sin value from 360 degrees (as to not have to switch the trigonometric ratio being used). 360 – 330 = 30, so we are subtracting 30 degrees from 360 to get the sin inverse, 330.

How do you solve sin 300?

The value of sin 300 degrees can be calculated by constructing an angle of 300° with the x-axis, and then finding the coordinates of the corresponding point (0.5, -0.866) on the unit circle. The value of sin 300° is equal to the y-coordinate (-0.866). ∴ sin 300° = -0.866.

What is the reference angle of negative 330 degrees?

30 degrees
Since the absolute value of negative 330 degrees is simply 330 degrees, we have this angle plus 𝛼 equals 360 degrees. We can then subtract 330 degrees from both sides, giving us 𝛼 is equal to 30 degrees. This is the reference angle for negative 330 degrees.

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